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azteca is really fun

Mar 24, 2012
well i like azteca but the bosses are really overpowered and strong but it is do able solo sometimes i love azteca and all that is in it anyone got other thoughts about azteca comment on this thanks guys go wizards

Jul 03, 2010
kyle the life wiza... on Mar 8, 2014 wrote:
well i like azteca but the bosses are really overpowered and strong but it is do able solo sometimes i love azteca and all that is in it anyone got other thoughts about azteca comment on this thanks guys go wizards
I can say it's my least favorite world and changed my out look on the game. It just seems to run way too long to progress though. I am not happy with the introduction of 3 to 1 solo fighting for spells. I have taken 2 wizards (Ice and Life) only though, the other 2 (Balance and Fire), 1 I stopped questing with there and one I left in end of Avalon Lake area and I really don't feel like picking it back up and instead started a new wizard for a break in general.

I plan to slowly faze out the Ice wizard as it' winds up helping those on it's friends list which is actually all I have been doing over the past month with it. I plan on some really major spring cleaning this year.


Sep 17, 2012
Azteca since they nerfed it has become a more leisurely world. It was too hard when released and required teamwork. Now it's an easily soloed world. There are really only 2 places where wizards might need help. Belloq in Twin Giants and Xibalba. Both are very doable solo for experienced wizards, but challenging. I find myself somewhat let down when I finish Azteca on each new wizard because Khrysalis part 1 is kinda like stepping back to Dragonspyre with it's ease. Azteca at least has a few challenges left in it.

Mar 15, 2013
I feel that Azteca is a really good place because it kind of shows a bit of background information about early history. Also, I enjoy the bosses here because it gives us more ways to strategize and also gives us a real challenge.

Feb 26, 2012
"different strokes for different folks" as the saying goes.

I liked Azteca when I first got there. I especially liked the historical Aztec theme, having spent a lot of time in Latin America myself.

But I grew to dislike it more and more the further into it I went. Now I can honestly say it is a world I pretty much hate going to, especially with my wizard that completed it, since it is all post-apocalyptic noise and ruin. I usually don't even go there to help people -- and I generally like to help people.

But even before I finished, it grew to be very tiresome, tedious, drawn-out, work, and no-fun. Xibalba is a disaster and should never have been put in the main storyline. I hear others say they liked it just fine, but I honestly don't understand why or how. If Khrysalis had continued in the Azteca mode, I probably would have ended my and my daughter's subscriptions.

So if you enjoyed it, you must enjoy aspects of the game that I generally don't. "Tis a puzzlement to me!

Mar 28, 2010
i just started azteca, i am in the cenote, i have done a dungeon or two, and the zombies and stuff are easy, but those bosses are overpowered and have a little more health then they should, but so far i am liking azteca, like they npc's like the storyline and love how a meteor is falling from the sky, i think azteca is great