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Azteca length

Aug 22, 2011
Do any of you know how long azteca will take for me to finish. I am still level 43 but when i am the level for azteca and play about an hour a day, how long would it take and how many levels would I achieve?

May 29, 2011
Well, it would take you a while. People aren't allowed to start azteca until they are level 80 or higher. I am guessing you are either at marlybone or mooshu. You would need to complete 4 or 5 worlds to get to azteca. Also, azteca is very long I started it when I was a level 80 and i still only finished one-third of azteca at level 85 (the level I am now) I hope this helps.

Jonathan Icewalker level 85

Dec 17, 2010
Depending if you are a solo player, or you play with a group. I soloed almost all of Azteca, and it took me around 9 months to finish. In Pitch Black Lake, I met some people and I got to group play with them. I went from Pitch Black Lake, (some more quests in Cloudburnt Forest and Alto Alto) to Floating Mountains (Only around 5 battles in that zone) to Twin Giants to Xialba in 2 and a half days. But for some reason, the leader of my questing group said: "'Thanks' is not thanking, Gifting is thanking." So I ended up gifting him stuff worth 50,000 Crowns.
But I did Azteca before it became easier. Hope this helped!

"When the battle gets deadly, summon a Death Shield"

Feb 29, 2012
Azteca can take a long time. Been about 6 months for me. I did take 3 months off.
Prepare to spend a LOT of time on each individual quest.
By the time you reach AZ I think it will be barren, so that makes it more difficult.
The individual defeat and collect quests can take an hour or two, depending on how many are in the fights.