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35 Minute Quest

Mar 02, 2012
I was in the District of the Stars doing a quest where I had to defeat some Guards to get three things. It took about 35 minutes just to get all the stuff. A dungeon is usually 30 minutes or more. It felt like I was doing The Labyrinth all over again. When I finally finished, I stumbled over another quest that was the same. This time The Troopers were mixed with either different Shark, Eels, Fish , and Guards. I couldn't get a battle with only two of them. This is getting annoying to finish this.

Oct 24, 2010
Likeahbaws on Nov 5, 2012 wrote:
I was in the District of the Stars doing a quest where I had to defeat some Guards to get three things. It took about 35 minutes just to get all the stuff. A dungeon is usually 30 minutes or more. It felt like I was doing The Labyrinth all over again. When I finally finished, I stumbled over another quest that was the same. This time The Troopers were mixed with either different Shark, Eels, Fish , and Guards. I couldn't get a battle with only two of them. This is getting annoying to finish this.
LOL@30 minutes. Wait until the final battle in Celestia.
If you don't want to battle, then I suggest stopping now and just creating a new wizard. Celestia is difficult and time consuming, and it only gets worse from here.

Apr 28, 2012
It always takes a lot of time to do those. I had one quest in that place that took me one hour just to collect one little thing but lucky for me i am done with celestia and halfway done with zafaria. And it will take a long time to do all of thpse quests but it is worth the amount of xp you get at the end!

Jul 03, 2010
Likeahbaws on Nov 5, 2012 wrote:
I was in the District of the Stars doing a quest where I had to defeat some Guards to get three things. It took about 35 minutes just to get all the stuff. A dungeon is usually 30 minutes or more. It felt like I was doing The Labyrinth all over again. When I finally finished, I stumbled over another quest that was the same. This time The Troopers were mixed with either different Shark, Eels, Fish , and Guards. I couldn't get a battle with only two of them. This is getting annoying to finish this.
Every world has it's "do not collect" quests. It's just that as you get to higher level worlds they become longer fights. The best you can do if you do proceed is get your gamer pants on and forge on.

It requires much more thought about your wizards abilities, the better you can work the school your wizard is the easier this will go, you need to learn how to power up what is at your disposal. Gear must be current, I do the Sun spells starting at level 50, the fists to enhance my normal spells, deck construction so fights do not waste too much time and you are not defeated in the mean time - think smaller is better at this point, all my wizards go though the entire game with a Spritely pet since I solo a lot it's my first need in a pet, sadly it's a diversion from the game to hatch etc. to get this and lastly maybe a friend that can lend a hand with some of the very tough spots. In the end it is a lot more work - you just have to decide if you are up to the challenge.

I also visit Diego and get the stun block spell - I hate being stunned, lol.

Mar 12, 2011
I was stuck on a quest for a week of multiple hours a day, and fighting the monsters I needed to fight the whole time. And those battles were really long and I was defeated so many times I stopped keeping track. Celestia takes a whole lot of patience. A lot. But it's so worth it, because there are new spells to learn, and hard bosses to defeat! You just gotta get your game face on and push throught the boring and tough bits to get to the awesome rewards!

Sierra Daisystaff Grandmaster Theurgist

Jan 16, 2013
Playing the game takes commitment. You can't expect to enter CL and have a fast and easy pass through, it takes time. Yes, there are certain quests/dungeons that do take time and are frustrating but trust me man, it only gets worse from here.

Jun 11, 2011
celestia was a pease of cake.

I am now a level 90storm wizard.

Feb 19, 2010
Likeahbaws on Nov 5, 2012 wrote:
I was in the District of the Stars doing a quest where I had to defeat some Guards to get three things. It took about 35 minutes just to get all the stuff. A dungeon is usually 30 minutes or more. It felt like I was doing The Labyrinth all over again. When I finally finished, I stumbled over another quest that was the same. This time The Troopers were mixed with either different Shark, Eels, Fish , and Guards. I couldn't get a battle with only two of them. This is getting annoying to finish this.
I feel your pain. That is one of the frustrating parts of this game, quests that are very similar making you do something you just finished doing in the quest prior. Run here run there run it again.
We should get a marathon badge after you hit a level just from running so much.