I just feel that doing all these quests when you're already grand is a waste of time. So i'm just looking for quests and waiting until the level cap raises to do them. I kinda agree with RiskYourLife. You guys must be joking if you had a hard time with the warehouse.i help friends with that ALL the time. thats an LOL moment indeed 8)
I would say the first time my wife, myself and my kids entered the Tower in MB it was a challenge. After watching the final encounter a few times and learning the responses of the mobs to what 4 GM's do, we can now do the tower in a short amount of time. YES, at first it was frustrating, but coming from other MMO's, we formed a strategy and now continue to follow it. It was nice to see a challenge for 4 GM's, albeit a bit frustrating at times.
Those prequests are a waiste espeshaly the warehouse which i did 10 times and than i find out that celestia isnt open. and im a grandmaster so i have nothing else to do :x :x
Hey, what's up? I haven't played Wizard101 in MONTHS. But now I'm very happy that there is a preview to Celestia. My mom says the boss is a little too hard though :/ But anyway, it's her fault for going on that quest just using henchmen. I'm going to start playing right away to see all the spectacular new features that have been added to Wizard101.
(I'm jealous of my mom, one moment I'm 20 levels above her, now she's 12 levels above me, She's a GRANDMASTER! That's what I get for momentarily leaving)
faxbot882 is totally right! it stinks that the grandmasters xp that they get now wont count towards them when the lvl cap is raised. you should make celestias mission xp more to the grandmasters when it opens than to the people who arent grandmasters when it opens. or just make the xp higher for everyone.
We're not asking you to complete these quests. As stated above, these quests will not be required to continue into the new world of Celestia. When Celestia is released and the level cap is increased, you are invited to complete these quests at that time.
We did the MB tower with 2 storms, a life and a death wizard... was hard but we made it. I just hope the Celestia, when it is open does not have a ton of cheating bosses... even at GM status.. ... in Briskbreeze Tower.. one of the minions used a meteor strike that hit for 9414 per person... is that out of line or what????
I have herd that you dont have to do the quests for celestia but does that mean that noobs are going to be able to go run around there or will it be like grizzleheim? Or will it be like all the others? And if it is do you have to be grand for just finish the final countdown quest in ds?
Zeke proff Balestrom and all concerened, I must inform you this is an unfair practice to ask grandmasters to quest knowing full well there will be a level hike to 60 and we are not allowed to bank or keep any xp earned until that level change takes effect. Therefore I also inform you I will Not be questing or buying crowns to buy back any training pints until this said practice hass been made fair to all grandmasters who wish to quest and level to the new standard. Thank you for the thread and good luck to all
I completely agree with you in every way i actually used to think it tracks your progress for when the lvl cap was raised and i did half of the remaining quest and found out it wasnt being tracked. I was very mad at this so please make it more fair to grandmasters everywhere thanks :D
Ppl Ppl Ppl!!!! plz stop complaining about o how you cant defeat the tower, and o how KI should make the tower easier and Blah Blah Blah. KI put theses things here for a reason! The Marleybone tower was placed there to give us something to do while we wait for the new world. It's SUPPOSED to be a challenge to consume time :-( I know we're all anxious to see the new world, and lately i have been doing some research on it. Now, due to community feedback, they are postponing Celestia to LATER THIS YEAR!!!! come on now people. Give KI a breake they are working their hardest to get the new world out A.S.A.P. so chillax 8)
Wait, what about the people who have already beated it? Would we have to do the new quests? Or we will just get a new message from Baelstrom, and he gives us the new key fixed. Because I beat the dungeon repeatedly. It's so easy if you know what to do it with and how to do it. On the first minions and stuff, just use level 48 spells. then on the first boss, don't use multi hits at all. Just kill Life, Ice or storm, then boss. If you don't do it in order they will go berserk. On the last boss, Rat, then knuckles and, then boss. I beat it right after I did malistaire, which was right before I did sidequests to level up. I was only level forty six, when I beat it. But I had a grandmaster life, named autumn breeze. And a grandmaster death named Oran Deathbringer. A master storm me. And a fire who's name i forgot
First off, thanks to KI for getting this up for us to try. It is always nice to have new and varied quests to do. It is nice to have this area and the grandmaster tower to take the old characters into, and remember how much fun they are. Certainly the Celestia design team is excited and deservedly proud of their about-to-be-released world.
It is also enjoyable reading the commentary on the difficulty of the quest, and everyone's various opinions and experiences. For sure, this quest can be frustrating, but it certainly offers satisfaction once you figure out how to beat it. It's not an automatic win, even with a decent strategy. It's also not impossible, my wife and I (both pyromancer) and one new friend (I think she is ice) did it as a group of three, with no Life mage and no one there to throw beguile. It did help that two of us were in the same room and could talk to each other.
Game balance is always a difficult thing to find. Game designers have to try to keep a lot of variables in mind, and allow for the fact that ten different players will likely come up with ten (or more ...) different strategies to attack the new quest. I think KI is in general on a good track, and as they keep evaluating and tuning, I hope they will keep some increased level of challenge in the new areas of the game. Maybe "boss cheating" isn't quite the answer (or maybe it is). Maybe it's just having the monsters play a little smarter all the time? Maybe it involves variable scenarios that are not the same all the time? Whatever they come up with in the end, I am sure it will be interesting, and will evoke a lot of discussion and differing opinions. :-)
From my point of view, whatever the published result, I hope KI will keep a focus on making it challenging. Just this wizard's two cents.
Elijah Rubyfountain, GM fire Noah Emeraldbrand, GM life Isaiah Giantbringer, GM myth Mason Icehammer, level 48 ice
When is the official release date of Celestia I have two grandmasters and I've been waiting for it to be released for awhile now. I've been going around randomly helping people with quests while wait. I only have few side quests I didn't do cuz I'm waiting on Celestia to be released. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know the official date it's gonna be released. I enjoy Wizard101 alot but people who are grandmasters probably get bored cuz we have no more quests to do. Please let me know the release date
Well, I was thinking that since they seemed to rush getting the preview quests out in July that Celestia was going to come in August but alas that is not the case. Wouldnt it have made more sense to release the preview quests a month in advance? Now who knows when we will be seeing Celestia. I am really thinking of canceling my subscription to the game because I am not playing and waiting for Celestia and no sense in keeping paying for the game if nothing new is coming out and we dont know when exactly Celestia is coming out. Later this year could also be pushed to next year and if I cant do anything with my wizards than why I need to pay for the game? What exactly do we all know what is coming for Celestia? We know new level cap, we know new world, we know new spells from the Astral signs: Moon, Sun and Stars. What new spells exactly will we be getting is what I want to know and what does the story with Celestia have to do with Malistaire?
Pardon me if this has already been asked and answered, but if there are new spells, then will there be new schools? And if so, has there been any thought to allowing more than six characters per account?
I was hoping to play through with each type of wizard, but there aren't enough character slots without deleting someone ...
i just got MS, but when will we actually get to see what celesita looks like? i want to at least see the icon! oh, and how willl we shortain it? Wizard City is WC. Krokatopia is KT. Grizzlehiem is GH. Markeybone is MB. MooShu is MS. Dragonspyre is DS. But what will Celestia be? CS? CT? CA? CL? I want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-o
No offense to those people that have beaten that tower in MB BUT I am glad that this tower is no longer required to get to Celestia BUT at the same time think that there has to be something to actually earn your way into Celestia. I have beaten that tower once on test with my Death and to me that is enough with that tower. I dont care what strategy you have to use to beat that tower it is different with each school and you need to find people of certain schools to help you out and that is difficult. Now this is a game for everyone ten and over, people play this game because it is not stressful and easy going. To add this preview of Celestia and to make this a cheating tower what kind of example to give to our kids? That cheating is ok and that companies like KI think this is ok to make cheating bosses especially for a game that has taken great precautions in protecting our kids from on-line predators? People that say that this tower is not too hard and needs a strategy must not really care that this tower is telling not only us but our kids that cheating is okay. Kids are like sponges they absorb information that we dont think they know. People that think this tower is not hard is in a sense condoning cheating and saying to their kids that this is ok to do and to deal with it. Now I wouldnt mind that this tower is required to get to Celestia BUT not a cheating tower. I would have thought that by now that KI would change this to a normal tower and make it required but it seems they are too worried about getting Celestia out and nothing else. KI CHEATING IS WRONG SO WHY PUT IT IN YOUR GAME FOR KIDS?
:D When it says final countdown quest in DragonSpyre. Does it mean you have to beat DragonSpyre? When I mean beat, defeat Malistaire?
Yes. You must have the quest "Final Count Down" and defeat Malistaire to go to the new world.
That's not true. I am grand and did the quest. I did the warehouse (the last part of the quest) and the FINAL boss of the warehouse breaks the spiral keyto Celestia. I have many friends saying, " Well, obviously we will fix the key " but they don't. Trust me, i was upset to find out I couldn't go to Celestia either and i'm tired of waiting for it to come out. :( .Btw kingsisle, I LOVE YOUR WORK AND WANTED TO KNOW WHEN THE NEW KINGISLE GAME IS COMING OUT AND WHAT IT WILL BE CALLED! :D OH! And before i forget, if we do get to be able to be lvl 60, will there be a new spell for each school like the lvl 48 spells?