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Defeat and Collect quests

May 11, 2010
I am sick of defeat and collect quests. I like a good challenge, but this is ridiculous. When i was doing the quest in the floating land it took me over thirty battles to collect three items for the quest! I don't mean to be rude but something should be done about this. Nobody should have to spend hours fighting enemies for these defeat and collect quests.

Feb 14, 2010
I think everyone has times when they get discouraged by having to fight what seems to be endless battles. Most of the time you do collect in a reasonable amount of battles but sometimes it does seem to be a bit ridiculous. I wish I could tell you it gets easier but the next 2 areas ahead of you, Stormriven and Science Center are notoriously filled with these types of quests.
Others have also posted on the forums about it but idk if KI has ever responded to anyone about changing it.
In my experience I have found that it is best to fight in groups of 3 or 4 wizards so you can fight the opponents 4 at a time. It makes for an easier battle and you collect the items faster. I realize that you can't always find help when you need it in the game but for these types of quests especially it helps reduce the frustration.

Hang in there.

May 03, 2011
I hesitated before even responding to this thread because of course this topic has been "done to death," as some are wont to say here. But having just finished the Grotto, I have to say I understand why KI put the other trainers in areas you have to unlock. Because if all the astral/solar spells were available in base camp, I would just abandon this world altogether and quest in Wintertusk, which I really like (despite the insane difficulty of some bosses). Here's the thing: Defeat and Collect is mind-numbingly boring. I don't play racing games because all you do is go around in circles. It's idiotic. And I feel like that about D/C quests, of which there are a seemingly interminable number here. I fought like 33 Waverunners to collect 3 of whatever I was collecting. Can't really remember--shell shards? Oil samples? Whatever. And by the fifth battle I could feel my Life Energies slowly leaking way. My brain was numb and my eyes burned. (It was worse than spending time in an airport, which I'm pretty sure is deducted immediately from one's life span.) I didn't give a (insert vernacular curse here) what I was doing it for. I had no sense of a larger story. And I hated the game. Which is a first, because I love this game--except for Celestia. And I can't understand why KI, which has shown such brilliance and genius throughout the rest of the worlds they've created, took the easy (for them) and frustratingly dull (for us) road here. A better story line, perhaps fewer experience points, and a reasonable D/C algorithm would restore the wonder and the fun. I hope that they will consider it. Because right now, I'm going to Wintertusk--Celestia is like a job you hate, but have to do. And you know, I play W101 to get away from that.

Aug 03, 2009
I guess it's a way of getting you to work with others. Fewer battles = quicker results. I would know, I soloed a lot of the D/C quests.

Oct 24, 2009
Ugh... Irritating... But yes. Just by collecting the clues in the Grotto in CL takes forever! I just needed 3 clues took at least 5 hours and uncountable battles to just to get it. When I think of trying to get 3 clues just off the crabs at once, I called a friend ova to help. That's 3 crabs. After the battle ended. The most fustrating thing that ever existed in my wizardly world. 'Collected 1 out of 3 Clues" Okay then, calm down, just try again and you'll get it. "Did not collect clues." And again. "Did not collect clues." So how did the people that completed CL complete these type of quests???

Apr 26, 2009
hehe, i was about to a start a forum about this :D. i have one word for these type of quests........ FRUSTRATING!!!! the first quest in celestia to collect weapons took me like twenty battles, even the guy said it should only take four. then on the floating land i had to collect bark from the trees and that took about a gazzilion battles too :P i just finished another one of those quests in stormriven and it was NOT enjoyable. i am just so dedicated to this game i try to tough it out

Tiffany Pixigem - Level 55 theurgist

Jun 22, 2011
I have this quest in Celestia that I need to collect alage from Waverunners and 90% of the time it does not collect. I got 2 of them and I need 1 more. Took me half a hour to get 1. Another downside is that they are Ice! Which makes them resist.

Aaron Winterriver
Level 53 Grandmaster Thaumturge

Feb 07, 2011
aaroncupcake1 wrote:
I have this quest in Celestia that I need to collect alage from Waverunners and 90% of the time it does not collect. I got 2 of them and I need 1 more. Took me half a hour to get 1. Another downside is that they are Ice! Which makes them resist.

Aaron Winterriver
Level 53 Grandmaster Thaumturge

I hated that one- it took at least 13 battles, and lots of server-jumping, before I finally got what I needed. Fortunately, I'm Balance, with Fire as a secondary, so they were relatively quick fights- perhaps the only redeeming quality.

I'm in Stormriven right now, defeating those Shadow-Web conscripts to collect weapons- I've been at it for (that's excluding the break I took to sleep, when my eyes started to burn) over 12 hours already, and still haven't collected what I need for the quest. Since I don't get XP, I probably shouldn't care, but I feel the pain of everyone who is using this to level up.

Nonetheless, happy travels.

Laura Shadowsong
Master of Balance

Jun 12, 2009
I'm a bit sick of them too. I suspect that the probability of collecting is the same for each creature within a quest. They could get fancier, but I doubt they do. Somebody once told me that there was an "overkill" factor. In an overkill factor, you maximize your chance by using only the rank spell of the boss you are fighting. Go higher, and your collect chance goes down. I'm not sure I believe this is happening though.

I'd be interested if people would post the quest and the number of kills it took them to collect everything needed.

I think they set the probabilities too low for some quests. I have made several posts on this topic, and they have all been ceremoniously ignored.

Jun 12, 2009
All I really ask is a verbal clue from the game about when it might a long time to get something. Such as "they won't give these up easily". Obviously, the higher the experience awarded, the lower the probability of success on a given try.

But we are just asking for a little more respect for our time.

Jun 10, 2011
You people are lucky! I love fighting things for only 3 items and 30+ battles! but of course, i get them first try -_- I like farming, the fun of the fight, t he glory of the defeat, and the difficulty of the quest. I like all of the defeat, collect quests. I love when they are hard to collect. :-o

Mar 11, 2010
What I found make collect quest collect the item is with effort and time. High effort, low time and there you go. Easier to get the item you need to collect.

Jul 06, 2008
stormschool99 wrote:
You people are lucky! I love fighting things for only 3 items and 30+ battles! but of course, i get them first try -_- I like farming, the fun of the fight, t he glory of the defeat, and the difficulty of the quest. I like all of the defeat, collect quests. I love when they are hard to collect. :-o

You must be a KI employee trying to sway the voice of the masses....