Why is the Floating Land still above water? When the Storm Titan sank Celestia, shouldn't the Floating Land have sunk too? William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer
Why is the Floating Land still above water? When the Storm Titan sank Celestia, shouldn't the Floating Land have sunk too? William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer
Why is the Floating Land still above water? When the Storm Titan sank Celestia, shouldn't the Floating Land have sunk too? William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer
Maybe the Floating Land wasn't allied with Celestia. There are no Shadow-Web soldiers there, or Celestians for that matter. Just the Mole-people and Wildclaws.
Why is the Floating Land still above water? When the Storm Titan sank Celestia, shouldn't the Floating Land have sunk too? William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer
well, now, it would be silly to call it the floating land then if it wasn't floating...