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Why can't I go in?

Jan 31, 2010
I have a membership right now, and i can go to all places, I teleported to my friend in Celestia, and i tried to go inside a door inside Celestia, but it won't let me go in! Why does it not?

Mar 12, 2010
holmiahan2 wrote:
I have a membership right now, and i can go to all places, I teleported to my friend in Celestia, and i tried to go inside a door inside Celestia, but it won't let me go in! Why does it not?

You can "teleport" to any friend, but that does not give you "access" to that area.

You must "earn" access to each area by following the storyline, starting at Wizard City and working through each area / world as the storyline leads you.

Jan 15, 2011
If You teleport to some one in a place you never unlocked, Alot of the doors there wont give you acess.In Celestia, THe only place avalible for "teleporters" Are Surey camp and the pinnacles.