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2020-Sonic Spring

Jun 25, 2012
It's 2020. This has been around since at least 2014 and the B.O.X.E.S. event and daily quests are the only "chance" of getting it. There are so many items that people want but can't craft because this reagent is nearly impossible to get. Many have complained over the years, yet nothing is changed. KI, PLEASE add ways we can actually get this. Farming dungeons over a hundred times and not getting the drop is beyond ridiculous. You guys ask what can be done to keep players around but ignore us when we telling you things that are turning us off to the game. Some of the best housing items require that reagent and we can't get it or only get one after farming for days. Please share with us the logical reason behind making this reagent so impossibly hard to get. Or better yet, make it drop once per run. There is no reason to make it so difficult to craft things.