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I cant do the Wizard City craft quest

Oct 14, 2012
I am currently a level 48 wizard and yes, I am just now doing the crafting quest for Wizard City because I did not realize how valuable it was at a higher level. I have crafted 2 of the athames like it asks of but it does not show up in my quest that I did it and does not allow me to turn in the quest. Could this be because I sold my crafting table and then bought one from the bizarre? Has anyone else had this problem? Can Prof. Grey rose help me please?

-John LegendPetal lvl 48

Feb 12, 2015
Welcome, Sayeed2006!

Are the two athames directly in your inventory? If they aren't, then it doesn't qualify as you having them. If you are still having trouble, than you should contact Kingsisle's Customer Support.

Jan 18, 2010
Welcome to the Message Boards!

First, let me applaud you for taking the smart initiative in beginning crafting. It's excellent you see the value that the side activity does have.

Now, crafting has since been recently updated.

In addition to crafting (not buying from Bazaar) the items, you need to take the items (in your bagpack) to the crafter (person who gave you the quest) to be credited for it.

If for whatever reason you accidentally sold the crafted items, you will most likely have to craft them over and turn them in to complete the quest.

Simply purchasing them over will not work/count.

If things gets too technical or annoying, you can always email KI to assist, especially when it comes on to the actual crafted items and them being accidentally sold.


Also, you selling the crafting stations has nothing to do with the quest; it doesn't affect it whatsoever.

You just need to ensure that you use the correct crafting station to craft your items.