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Beastmoon Hunt Game Points

Nov 08, 2009
I enjoy doing the Spiral showcase as well as the Beastmoon Hunt game.
The problem is that we get more points participating in the Spiral showcase than we do in the Beastmoon Hunt.
While the Spiral showcase was going on I was gaining points with not much effort or time. With the Beastmoon
Hunt it is more fun, but the time I put in it compared to the points is not many. I would like to see the points in the Beastmoon go up some more, so we can achieve in the Scroll of Fortune faster.

Nov 26, 2012
Cat Wildbreeze on Sep 4, 2019 wrote:
I enjoy doing the Spiral showcase as well as the Beastmoon Hunt game.
The problem is that we get more points participating in the Spiral showcase than we do in the Beastmoon Hunt.
While the Spiral showcase was going on I was gaining points with not much effort or time. With the Beastmoon
Hunt it is more fun, but the time I put in it compared to the points is not many. I would like to see the points in the Beastmoon go up some more, so we can achieve in the Scroll of Fortune faster.
Still, when you plant, and harvest, the seeds, you get no points for gardening. I mean it can be almost forty points, with the TC booster spells, and still you get zero points as a gardener. This is sad, since you have to have the beastmoon seeds for the combat coins and beastmoon fragments. Also we should not forget the thread, even though it has no demonstrable use. The items you can craft with it are not saleable, have no bonuses, and can't even be used for any purpose. But still, it would be nice to get a point as a gardener, for growing a hundred or so seeds.