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Beastmoon needs some better rules

Sep 15, 2013
One of the only things that keeps me playing the game is Beastmoon at this point. It's very hard to find a team that cooperates during matches. There's some things that need better explaining and rethinking so that people understand how the game should be played to make it fair to all team members. These are events that players pay for and there should be a better system so that we get to make the most out of a paid for event.

Some thoughts, complaints, and ideas:

The fleeing time penalty is too long. I understand that it's not fair to have players leave during a match, but sometimes you get completely unreasonable and abusive teams. When that happens, I shouldn't be penalized for leaving a match to get on to the next. I don't think KI understands how difficult it can be to accomplish these events when people don't know how to play and aren't prepared to listen or cooperate. I think 5 minutes (if any) would be more reasonable.

There's also a big problem with points. When you run out of daily capturing points, you solely rely on winning matches to earn points. Often times players get excluded from matches because people just run around and do what they want and some players never get a chance to earn points. This happened to me personally dozens of times this past Beastmoon. This is not fair. I shouldn't have to spend 3 hours to make 20 points. I've had consecutive matches where I get no points at all. Please work on ways to correct this issue. Find ways to make sure players understand that you need to choose between 2v2/4v4 or 3v3/3v3 matches. When you have 6 players on a team and 5 of them decide to do 2v2 and 3v3, one player is left out completely. Sometimes you only have 5 players on a team and and 4 choose to 2v2/2v2, again leaving out a player. Players need to know this is unacceptable game play. They need to be aware they have a team to think about. I think something that would make it more fair is to make all sigils other than spiral 3v3 so that no player has to be left behind. It's just not right to have someone always (potentially) out and make zero points during a long match. If you make zero points because you can't win your match, that's one thing, but to not even have a chance to play is not fair.

It would also be nice if players were given 3 minutes of wait time before the match starts to workout their forms and coordinate so they have the best teams. This may allow time to encourage players to work together and formulate a plan of action. Then, if some players aren't being cooperative, a player can leave the match to start a new one without a penalty on time. I think this would be more fair and if KI could make it clear that this is what the extra time is for, players may be more apt to cooperate with their team. You may also consider locking the forms for the 2 minute so players can discuss which forms are best fit for everyone's play style/level and tier. The running and grabbing system is a luck system and doesn't allow for coordinated gameplay or fair competition (at least in randoms).

It would be nice if pips could respawn sooner/more frequently.

It's a fun game, but there needs to be more incentive for people to cooperate so that it's fair for everyone.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I'm for more pips.

It's either way about increasing the timer. I see pros and cons. Sometimes people are ready to go right away.

I am strongly against decreasing the leaving a match timer. There should be a penalty. I understand it's frustrating if you are in a group as the OP describes, but I feel that it would be to abused by players trying to "throw" the match and give points to the other team.

Points need to be given when the opposing team flees back to their base. Too often, I'll have opponents that know that they aren't going to win so they'll flee. These do not count as "defeating an opponent" for the Scroll of Fortune points and they should.

I also think that limiting the number of caps per day was probably not the way to go.

A more detailed explanation or practice mode would be good for new players.

As far as, incentive to work together there is enough incentive if you want to work to win, it's just that not everyone understands what you need to do, and that when someone tells them what to do they get frustrated and think people are being bossy- etc. I'd recommend finding a team (even if it's just 2 or 3 of you so that you can work together).