KI, as you have this event the spiral scene. Part of it is rating houses. However, lord knows why, but some players block entrance to the house. Then we can not rate them. If they can't finish it before they enter it in the tours, then they have absolutely no business adding it. It is just annoying and a waste of time. Please bring back the report feature for castles added like this, they do not belong in the tours!
Mark DragonLeaf. I have been on the list many times. Including #1.
I agree. I do not need my own personal time wasted by someone denying entrance into their house on tours.
I switched to rating dorms (so I do not have to find my way into houses although some dorms have an outside section) and is there a few day wait to rate a house we may have already rated? Wait, a rate wait. Because sometimes after waiting to do the rating it has said I already rated that house. How many days does it take to rate an already rated dorm? Can a house that we already rated be removed from us visiting again if it won't count as a new rating?
Back to the OP, let's not forget getting stuck on an item and not being able to move.