How big is a small fish to go into the multi tank? I don't want to buy one and find I haven't small enough fish to put into it. I have tried crafting the tanks but there is always something I cannot get even after months of trying.
Assuming you are talking about the Small Fry Multi-Tank, there is no set measurement for a fish to be a Small Fry. Take, for instance, the Jolted Dekoi. For me, I've caught 3 Whopper Jolted Dekois, the biggest one being 20.4 inches, whereas I've caught a Rhino Fish at 45 inches and it is neither Small Fry nor Whopper. It varies from fish to fish what size it has to be in order to be dubbed "Small Fry" or "Whopper". On another note, there is a multi-tank for all three sizes, so you may try crafting/purchasing any of the three to tank all of your fishes. Hope I helped and fish on! Nicholas