I have a regular keeper Stormacuda I wanted to put in a new aquarium. The aquarium calls for a keeper fish. the Stormacuda is a keeper. As a side note, it called for it to be in 'the fishing basket'. The problem might be that its not in the fishing basket, but on the other other hand, I don't have a clue how to get a fish into the fishing basket. I will keep trying to find out how, but suggestions would be nice.
I have a regular keeper Stormacuda I wanted to put in a new aquarium. The aquarium calls for a keeper fish. the Stormacuda is a keeper. As a side note, it called for it to be in 'the fishing basket'. The problem might be that its not in the fishing basket, but on the other other hand, I don't have a clue how to get a fish into the fishing basket. I will keep trying to find out how, but suggestions would be nice.
Wolf DeathBane
Hi! Are you trying to put more than one fish in the aquarium at a time?
The Fish Basket is just your inventory of caught fish in spellbook.
Place the aquarium in a house.
They click on the aquarium in object placement mode.
Click on the fish button that appears.
If the fish that you want to put in the aquarium doesn't appear, it could be because the aquarium is for small fry fish or Whopper fish and not keeper sized fish.
I'm sorry that aquariums are so confusing. There are 3 types of 3 sizes plus multi fish aquariums.
Every fish need exactly the right aquarium. Your fish if is a small fry or whopper, then need the right aquarium. Regular aquarium for small fry or whopper fish. You can see the size of your fish, if you try to sell it.