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Sep 10, 2009
how is a fire student with a fire minon supposed to defeat a 7000 point boss that is also a fire demon ??
I have tried so many times and can only get him down to (lowest) 1500 points and I get killed every time !
help please !!!

Feb 26, 2009
GylwynEyre wrote:
how is a fire student with a fire minon supposed to defeat a 7000 point boss that is also a fire demon ??
I have tried so many times and can only get him down to (lowest) 1500 points and I get killed every time !
help please !!!

Try bringing friends :) Even I, a grandmaster death, wouldnt fight him alone x_x

Jul 08, 2009
Even though i am not fire these will help:

1. DONT USE THE MINION! He will use up your converts and make it 10x harder.

2. Buy a ICE sword and get some ice wyvern and collsus treausre cards from the bazaar.

3. the gurtok is not a solo only boss, keep changing realms to find someone else who is also gonna fight him.

Hope this helps .

Jul 04, 2009
there is absolutely no point in using your minion when fighting Fire.

I always have a second deck made for when I fight monsters from my own school. I fill it with my school shield and prisms. I always carry a wand of my storm and one from my opposite. I use the one from my opposite primarily and switch to my school with fighting my opposite.

Nov 01, 2009
first of all you should make sure you have lots and lots of prisms in your deck...as many as you can hold. That is what your prisms are for. Secondly make sure you have your traps and blades as well. The trick I have learned about the use of prisms is this: if a boss has placed a shield before you get a chance to place the prism on him, remove the shield first with a zero pip wand hit....this goes for any school of magic when fighting a boss of their own school, btw. If the gurtok already has an ice shield in place when you put your prism on him, when you cast your fire spell and the prism converts it to ice, it will trigger the ice shield...however if you can get the prism on him BEFORE he has a chance to cast the ice shield it won't trigger the shield at all.

From my experience working with the prisms, this is the order in which you should cast your spells for greatest amount of damage: cast the prism on the gurtok first, then cast a fire trap. If you cast the trap first, for some reason the prism won't activate the trap. Then you can cast a blade on yourself. I generally cast the blade last because I finde the enemy less likely to cast a weakness spell on me if I don't have a blade circling my head for a long period of time.

My last piece of advice is instead of using your fire minion, if you have a few
crowns, invest in a level 30 or lvl 40 storm henchman to help out. I suggest storm because they are the heaviest hitting and they won't be likely to mess up your traps and prisms you are setting up for your own spells where your fire minion, bless his heart, would.

Hope this helps....good luck with the gurtok.

Jan 07, 2010
1. Remove Fire Minion from your deck.
2. Cast Fire Blade
3. Cast Prism at Gurtok
4. If he casts the Ice Shield, hit him with your Ice Wand to bring it down. Also use Ice Wand to bring down any weaknesses he puts on you.
5. Cast Helephant.
6. Return to step 2 until dead.

Don't use Fire Dragon as DoT spells don't work well against your own school. If you don't have enough Helephants, use Phoenix if necessary.

You can't use your Fire Minion, because he'll keep taking down your prisms.

Sep 10, 2009

My last piece of advice is instead of using your fire minion, if you have a few
crowns, invest in a level 30 or lvl 40 storm henchman to help out. I suggest storm because they are the heaviest hitting and they won't be likely to mess up your traps and prisms you are setting up for your own spells where your fire minion, bless his heart, would.

Hope this helps....good luck with the gurtok.

I checked out the henchmen for sale in thru the sale button in game, and I could buy one but when I click the "usable" button, none that would help me show as being usable by me.... so why would I buy a henchman I can't use ?