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how does orthus work? bugged?

Sep 13, 2008
I figure it isn't a bug, but can someone explain to me how orthus works. Like say my opponent has a myth blade and a myth trap on me and then I put up a myth shield. My opponent then uses orthus. So orthus attacks and gets a boost from the blade and trap, but then my shields blocks it. Then when orthus attacks again it still gets the boost from the blade and trap, but the shield no longer affects it. Now I do not mind my shield not blocking the second attack, but hat means that orthus should no longer get the boost from the blades and traps. With a myth shield it is ridiculous to still take 2000 damage. It seems to me like orthus's second attack should not be getting the boost when I had a shield for the first one. But yeah the average attack seems to be like 1600 or something. So can someone explain to me how this attack works? How is it able to keep the attack boost without being blocked by the shield?

Jan 20, 2009
Blades and traps (wards) operate differently and this difference is what you are noticing in your observations of Orthus.

Blade spells affect outgoing spells and affect ALL sources of damage of the spell (i.e., damage over time and multiple hit damage)

Trap and ward spells affect incoming spells and affect ONE source of damage (i.e., one damage over time hit or the first hit in a multiple hit spell).

If you consider the situation you mentioned, one blade, one trap, one ward:

-The blade will trigger as the spell is cast, affecting both the first hit damage and the second hit damage

-The ward and trap will trigger on the first hit, making the damage received = damage * blade * trap * ward.

-The second hit will hit for damage * blade.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
There are several spells that work like this, a multiple attack, with the first blow very small to clear out the shields.

Their purpose is to clear out defensive shields (and they also clear out offensive shields <they work only once>). Swords (both positive and negative) work on the entire spell.

If you had up two defensive shields, one would defend vs the first of the attacks, while a second would work against the second, etc.

Globals should also boost all of the attacks.

Best defense: Multiple shields, negative damage shields or one of the negative accuracy spells.

Jan 08, 2009
mantisrane wrote:
I figure it isn't a bug, but can someone explain to me how orthus works. Like say my opponent has a myth blade and a myth trap on me and then I put up a myth shield. My opponent then uses orthus. So orthus attacks and gets a boost from the blade and trap, but then my shields blocks it. Then when orthus attacks again it still gets the boost from the blade and trap, but the shield no longer affects it. Now I do not mind my shield not blocking the second attack, but hat means that orthus should no longer get the boost from the blades and traps. With a myth shield it is ridiculous to still take 2000 damage. It seems to me like orthus's second attack should not be getting the boost when I had a shield for the first one. But yeah the average attack seems to be like 1600 or something. So can someone explain to me how this attack works? How is it able to keep the attack boost without being blocked by the shield?

While it may SEEM like a bug, it actually works that way. You see, that is the point of attacks like orthrus. The first attack is weak, to take of sheilds or stuff, than a big hit! the way to shield both is to put up two shields. Hope this helps!