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Invisible Flame Guardians

Sep 20, 2008
Ah.... I think somebody has been teaching the Flame Guardians in Palace of Fire some new tricks, Professors...!

All of them (at least for me) are Invisible! And when you hit one, they stay invisible until after they use a physical attack, remaining unseen even when casting spells. But when they reappear, they are frozen in a fixed position, not bobbing or gesturing or anything.

Maybe a little memory-wash, to remove the Invisibility Spell from what they have for minds?

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 35, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

This is a known issue and we're brewing up a concoction to cure the ailment.
Thank you for letting us know!

Sep 20, 2008
Gamma wrote:
This is a known issue and we're brewing up a concoction to cure the ailment.
Thank you for letting us know!

Okay; Just trying to do what you said about spotting trouble....

Jan 21, 2009
Ah, I just submitted a bug report on this very thing. Glad to see it's not just me. :)

Feb 03, 2009

Nevermind, I just figured out how to target them. You have to click on thier names at the top of the screen, not thier spots in the circle.

Feb 16, 2009
tveek wrote:

Nevermind, I just figured out how to target them. You have to click on thier names at the top of the screen, not thier spots in the circle.

I posted about this problem in the Krokotopia board also. And for me unable to taget for there name is not showing up.

Feb 21, 2009
NeoStar wrote:
Ah.... I think somebody has been teaching the Flame Guardians in Palace of Fire some new tricks, Professors...!

All of them (at least for me) are Invisible! And when you hit one, they stay invisible until after they use a physical attack, remaining unseen even when casting spells. But when they reappear, they are frozen in a fixed position, not bobbing or gesturing or anything.

Maybe a little memory-wash, to remove the Invisibility Spell from what they have for minds?

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 35, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

I thought it was just my PC. It's even worse for me, you can't even attack them until they appear, which is after they use their natural attack. On top of that, it's hard to avoid them out of battle, due to the fact that they are invisible.

This issue is addressed with the March 26th update.
Thank you for all your information about the elementals and your patience while we chased down this bug.
