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Losing pips during battle

Oct 26, 2008
I am not sure if this is a bug or a "feature", but I noticed something the other day that I thought I would bring up.

During a battle with some friends (in MooShu), I had 5 pips (mix of power and regular). I selected an attack card and my target. I was in the #3 slot, and during the round my target was destroyed before I had a chance to cast my spell, so it skipped me as expected.

After the round was over and it was time to choose the next spell, I noticed that my pips were "spent" as if the spell had been cast. Is this an expected feature?


Jan 07, 2009
same programming error they have always had. Don't bother to tell me to pick another target, it shouldn't take your pips if you don't cast anything.

Oct 26, 2008
Dec 11, 2008
I was coming here to report the same thing.

Earlier today I had chosen to cast "Humungofrog" which attacks all targets, but you do have to select one anyway. The player before me killed the selected target and instead of the Frog still attacking the other targets as he should have done, nothing happened and I was out 4 pips.

Jan 07, 2009
crusher2488 wrote:
I was coming here to report the same thing.

Earlier today I had chosen to cast "Humungofrog" which attacks all targets, but you do have to select one anyway. The player before me killed the selected target and instead of the Frog still attacking the other targets as he should have done, nothing happened and I was out 4 pips.

What I'd like to see is those attack all spells NOT make you pick just one target, that would take that problem away, but I'm just one tiny voice that no one listens to.

Just so you understand, the level 48 life school spell is heal all, if say that person you picked runs the spell does not work, no one is healed AND your pips are still "stolen" or spent. Why does an all spell have to pick ONE?

Mar 02, 2009
Whiterose2 wrote:

What I'd like to see is those attack all spells NOT make you pick just one target, that would take that problem away, but I'm just one tiny voice that no one listens to.

Just so you understand, the level 48 life school spell is heal all, if say that person you picked runs the spell does not work, no one is healed AND your pips are still "stolen" or spent. Why does an all spell have to pick ONE?

You are not alone on this issue, I have tried before on many other threads mainly to see if anyone from KI would post something to say that they know about the issue and they are trying to fix it. They have never posted and this worries me that they might not intend to fix it.

I must admit that i am surprised that the level 48 life spell works in the same way, and I now feel this needs to be changed even more than before.

For other threads on this topic see the links below:
Problems with loosing pips
Lost power pips