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Real Time

Nov 02, 2008
The idea came to me; what if Wizard City's Daytime turn into nighttime in the correct time? Like this:

At 6:00 A.M. it starts to get bright out. 10:00 A.M. is when it is bright. 5:00 P.M. is when it starts to get dark out. 8:00 P.M. it is dark.

Please take this into consideration KI! Please?

~Michael ThunderSpear
Lvl 47 Pyromancer
Savior of the Spiral

Sep 02, 2008
I thougth about this some time ago but what I would like to see the passing of Day and Night in ALL the worlds. Instead of some worlds always being daytime and some are always nighttime like Marleybone.

Oct 17, 2008
The only problem is time zones. While it may be nightime in your area, it could be broad daylight at someone else's house. This would make everything difficult.

Dec 02, 2008
In other games that do this, it's an awful lot of graphical work for something that is more a nuisance than a cool feature.

May 15, 2009
I like the idea of night/day and even weather (snowing, raining, storming); however, tethering it to the real-time clock isn't a good idea: if one typically plays during the same hours (say 1800-2000), then they won't experience the variety.

To ensure variety, the game world would have its own clock that deliberately does not match the earth's clock.