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reformat my computer

Apr 26, 2009
i have a major virus issue and i need to reformat my pc and i was wondering if there are any files i need to save in order to resume playing with my wizard after the reformat, or if i just reinstall the client log in and POOF there he is.

thanks for all your help!

POOF there he is!

Once you've reformatted your computer, and I feel your pain in doing so, just go to this page: https://www.wizard101.com/site/download/game/wizard101
to re-download Wizard101.

The only thing that we cannot save are any screenshots you may have taken.
You will find them in your /Program Files/KingsIsle Entertainment/Wizard101/bin folder

Dec 02, 2008
You don't lose your wizard, money, experience, or gear. You'll have to type in your account name again (rather than having it saved). You do lose records of which pop-up tips you've been given, so the first time you level after the reinstall, you'll get flooded with them.