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same lvl wizards different health lvls

Oct 12, 2008
hi can anyone tell me why i have two wizards at exactly the same lvl (22) but when both have no items equiped they have different health lvls. my storm has 743 health with nothing equiped but my life has 1034 with nothing equiped. Why??? its bugging me as i have no idea why this is. Pls respond :)

Feb 11, 2009
the different school classes start off with different health so their health will never be the same all things being equal. That spread is way more than it is at the beginning however. Are you certain that they dont have on any rings athema or necklaces? if not, this implies that not only do they start at different health levels but that they grow at different rates. that doesnt seem fair. would be interest to hear what gamma has to say about it.

May 18, 2009
Different schools have different base stats that impact that character. Ice mages are built as "Tanks" so have the greatest amount of HP while Storm mages are built as "Blasters" having lowest HP, but higher damage dealing attacks. i couldn't offhand tell you right away the ranking on mages by their hp. I believe that information can be found somewhere on these forums or on one of the fansites.

Dec 11, 2008
My guess is that like most games, different classes gain different ammounts of life (and other stats) as they level up. Life is probably getting more to make up for his lack of attacks.

I don't know for sure, but I am also guessing that it takes different ammts of XP for each class to level up.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Various schools have been game balanced. Taken into consideration are spell power (damage per pip cast), percentage to cast, life, mana, damage boosters %, item availability to class and the like. Your storm can do more damage faster, so needs less ife, etc.

Dec 02, 2008
You already gave the answer: one is life and the other is storm. Some classes have more base health than others. That's one of the factors of making classes stronger in some ways and weaker in others to balance them.

Jul 15, 2008
Hullo! Hope I can answer your question.

For starters, you already know that each school is different from each other. For example storm students cast the spells with the most damage as compared to the other schools like say; ice students who cast the weakest damage spells.

Storm students therefore, tend to finish their battles rather quickly. You probably noticed, you can finish off almost any foe in three or four turns. Not taking into account the fizzles of course (trust me it gets better in the higher levels with gears that give higher accuracy).

Ice students however, take a bit longer to finish off their opponents. About six or seven turns due to the fact that they have to hit the aggro's twice. They get their ice blade spell later on in the game in mooshoo!

Now, knowing that storm students are quick in battle, it is logical then that they not need too much health. Just enough to survive four big hits I reckon. Because a normal battle usually consists of two aggros. In the case of a boss battle, with one boss and two minions, it is usually prudent to bring along a friend or two. Not just for storm but that goes for all students.

Compare this to an ice mage in a similar battle. Since he has to hit the aggros twice, he himself gets hit more times too. He has to have enough health to weather out getting hit that much.

Now put two and two together, I hope you get the idea why different school students have differing health points.

Jul 05, 2008
It is a matter of balancing the force ofthe spells with the amount of health you need. Storm has one of the lowest since if the spells do no fizzle are one of the most powerdul. Ice has one of the highest since it is about 1/3 the power of its spells vs storm

So think as storm as the major rocket bomb and ice as a tank :) Because life is a healer it does not need as high a health.

Feb 13, 2009
Different schools gain health at diiferent rates. Take ice for example, there might be an ice wizard with 460 health and a lvl 5 while a lvl 6 myth wizard has 400 health. It just depends on the school they are in.

Some posters above referenced the following, I thought I'd repost it for your information:

Each school has different strengths and weaknesses.

Fire has medium health, low accuracy and high damage.
Ice has the highest health, medium accuracy and low damage.
Storm has the lowest health, the lowest accuracy and the highest damage.
Life has high health, the highest accuracy and the lowest damage
Death has low health, high accuracy and low damage.
Myth has medium health, medium accuracy and medium damage.
Balance has medium health, high accuracy and medium damage.

Oct 12, 2008
cool, thx guys, i thought it may have something to do with that but wasnt sure, it was just bugging me that it was so low, as a bit better health would help as i have a high fizzle rate and die easily even with my good items on - oh well lol!