In have just finished MooShu on my life wizzard Patrick Greenleaf.
In doing so I have collected all the book. "The Greatest Gift" quest now instructs me to talk to Jing-ham He, although when I go to him the question mark above his head is still grey.
In addition, when I speak with him, all he says is "Have you had difficulty finding the books? You would honor His Imperial Majesty by returning them to us." and after pressing Done, the quest still remains in my quest log instructing me to talk to Jing-ham He.
What must I do to turn this quest in and receive my experiance?
I would like to move onto Dragonspyre with a clear quest log.
As I have already said, the quest it self tells me to speak with Jing-ham He, but when I go to him, the question mark above his head is grey, not yellow.
What would you want me to do, go back and find every book agian. The quest would tell me what areas still have books in then, to lead me in the correct direction.
The quest is telling me to talk with Jing-ham He. It does not indicate I still have a book to get.
At this point maybe I need to summit a bug report.