it is getting very annoying i fizzle more than anyone i know i was just fighting Baron Rotonda and it took me 3 fairys just to stay alive cuz i fizzeled 8 times in a row ,,,,yes count them 8 times !!! this was on my fire wizard but all of my wizards seem to fizzle more than the noem
well to be honset i have also been annoyed about that. My fire wizard was my first dude and he happened to fizzle LESS than my LIFE person. My death seems to fizzle at all the IMPORTANT TIMES in the game though. for instanced, when i was in marleybone i was fighting a guy and had all my traps and had low health and needed to kill him well i used vampire and i missed.He passed and i figured phew right? WRONG. I missed a record four times in a row after that one and died. Turns out he was charging for a stormzilla. (Katzeinstien). and i would just like to say that fizzleing is improved ALOT bye accuracy clothing boosts maybe you shopuld try them more? after i got them i hardly missed. (except for death guy he misses a lot
Well you probly are using schools that have a lower hit percentage. I know that as a Myth user i don't fizzle as much as my Strom school using friend. so as we all know the more powerful the spells the higher miss rating. Hence why I don't fizzle as much as a strom wizard.
I have actually kept tallies. and the percentages seem to be close. I think we just feel the fizzles more when we see several in a row, forgetting that we were successful in casting five in a row without fizzles.
Remember, use accuracy modifers, all schools can get these as items, and storm and balance get spells early in the game to help.
70% spell Chance to cast 3 without fizzle: 34% now add 7% in accuracy boosters: 46% and finally with 7% bonus plus an accuracy spell: 66%
Note: I just started yet another character, and I was able to find +7% in accuracy by an early level.
Plus all the cards give you there accuracy rating on them.. In the middle left it will show 80%.. That means you have an 80% chance of casting that spell..
Once you hit the near 30's you will have a decent boost to accuracy threw your gear and your fizzle rate will go down alot... kinda like practice makes perfect...
I don't know about you guys, but It seems to me that while I was running through Colossus Blvd I seemed to fizzle a lot more then anywhere else, I didn't keep exact counts but It certainly seemed like more there.
I used to fizzled alot with my thunder character.I just made a pyromancer and he works like a life user. So my advice is ethier make your self a pyromancer(fire user) ,or try buying tresuer cards .One more thing if you dont like pyromancy ,play mini games ,i sujest you play skull riders or sell things for cloaks,boots,and hats that help your accuracy. Autum Drem Whisperer,(level 24) pyromancer/life wizard