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48 Couch Potatoes dissapeared

Dec 29, 2011
Hey KI from the title you know 48 couch potatoes seeds vanished while I was gardening. I wanna know how can I get that back or if its temporary. Basically what happened is I have 2 60 couch potato plots but I don't have 240 energy so I plant one garden then the other the next day when I have the energy. Well as I was planting the second garden as usual I realized my backpack space could only carry 48 and I didn't wanna clean out all the small things keeping it full. So I planted 48 with the plant all spell. Then went into my house to my bank to get the other 12, and when I came back out the plants were not planted my energy was still taken and the plants were not in my backpack, attic, house, bank, shared bank at all. They literally deleted. I was wondering if there is a way to get this back because it took a while to farm for all those.

Dec 31, 2009
Joseph deathblade on Dec 16, 2016 wrote:
Hey KI from the title you know 48 couch potatoes seeds vanished while I was gardening. I wanna know how can I get that back or if its temporary. Basically what happened is I have 2 60 couch potato plots but I don't have 240 energy so I plant one garden then the other the next day when I have the energy. Well as I was planting the second garden as usual I realized my backpack space could only carry 48 and I didn't wanna clean out all the small things keeping it full. So I planted 48 with the plant all spell. Then went into my house to my bank to get the other 12, and when I came back out the plants were not planted my energy was still taken and the plants were not in my backpack, attic, house, bank, shared bank at all. They literally deleted. I was wondering if there is a way to get this back because it took a while to farm for all those.
Crowns items are supposed to overflow to your bank even if it is full. Having said that, stacking is at your own risk, KI will not assist with issues with stacked gardens. They have stated this on numerous occasions. The good news is there is double gardening rewards quite often, so we all get plenty of seeds now. Also CPs are dropping in mirage.

I mean you can try putting in a support ticket.

Dec 29, 2011
I thought so but I wanted to try regardless. There should hopefully be a double garden rewards soon too.