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Alligator pear trees, and polymorph mander.

Nov 08, 2012

I'm a relatively new player and have a stand of alligator pear trees. I was very excited to finally be able to plant something with a big row of coins! I've been caring for them carefully and remember how thrilled I was when they finally were harvestable, and then hit elder. I've had them for a couple of months, and enjoy the alligator animations.

But I have to say I am very disappointed with their output.

Thier best snack is fried worms, which while decent, is hardly great, (plus often they give crackers instead) and they mostly produce... polymorph mander cards.

Now these cards are fine, in small number if you are extremely low level and appearing purely in support, but they aren't tradable or sellable and have taken over my tc deck. I have 139 of them at the moment, and the number will grow without bound as far as I can tell.

please please please rework alligator pear trees so they give things worth their seven coin rating, and make polymorph mander either tradable or sellable so that they aren't a huge white elephant that ruins your tc deck.

I am not replanting them, they are way too hard to maintain for their output.

I have started up with prickly bear cactus which are both better and less trouble. (And no Cards!)

Thank you.

Jun 09, 2012
I have a batch of Alligator Pear Trees and have harvested them numerous times with good results.

First, you get 300XP each harvest which is great. Second, the cards that you get are Polymorph Mander (yeah don't really care for it), Krokomummy, Krokotillian, and Soulsapper. When they turn Elder, they give 3000XP!...and either Krokhotep, Krokenkamen, and Krokopatra.

I don't remember the levels and damages, but they are of varying schools and great to throw in your deck for when you need a three or four-pip smack.

Feb 24, 2009
I don't use them. Then again, most people don't use them. Go for Evil Magma Peas, Deadly Helephant Ears, Couch Potatoes, or Prickly Bear Cactus.

May 22, 2009
I think we should be able to sell those types of cards to the librarians.

P.S. You can destroy a treasure card by right clicking on it.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 90 Life