I BOUGHT these from the crown shop they are the, key limes. Only crown shop plant I have ever done except that pink flower, that, ever gardener has done. It grew really slow and I really annoyed my plants were elders when it just just just, started adult!! But I harvested it a few days later and, BOOM 300 GARDENING EXP my face was like O<:. So, if anyone knows if all or any of the crown shop plants give exp like this one? I can not think of a reason why they would, they are as easy as other plants!
Key Lime is my favorite plant. It gives great xp (3,000 at elder harvest) and good item drops along the way. And you usually get a couple more Key Lime seeds from each plant. I've planted all the Crown Shop plants, they all give substantial xp and drops. I can't remember how much each one gives, but go to Wizard101 Wiki, click the Housing link and go to the Gardening section and it gives a rundown on every plant. The nice thing is they all give a seed at elder harvest, or at least all the ones I planted did, so you don't have to buy more.