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The Problem With Sonic Springs

Nov 08, 2009
Something that has bothered me and many others in the housing community for many years is how unobtainable the crafted housing items from The Five Boxes event are. This event doesn't come around as often as it used to, especially with the all the new style of events in the game like Beastmoon. I think I can safely say that many in the housing community consider the housing items from Rose Piper to be some of the most unique in the game. It's just a shame how inaccessible they are due to time constraints, the event only running a couple/few times a year, and the RNG of getting the reagent dropped at all.

I remember during the recent PvE roundtable, Artie Rogers was speaking about how players should feel like they have choices in how they obtain Spellements. We don't have that many options at the moment, which is a change players are eagerly looking forward to. The same treatment should be given to these housing items. Giving the player multiple avenues of how to obtain something is essential as not everyone likes to do the same activities. This has been done for housing before, such as allowing us to craft items from the school themed furniture packs with Beastmoon reagents. Or being able to get Khrysalis crafted housing items dropped in Fishing Chests. How come the Boxes crafted housing has no other options? The items don't drop from any encounters in the event, nor outside sources. Sonic Spring's only drop from the event and a tiny chance from Daily Assignments, so if you run out you simply cannot craft a housing item you want for a project until the next event comes along for x amount of months. Players like to use multiple copies of items in their castles and being so limited to these feels unfair and stifling.

I don't think running the event more often would solve the issue nor increasing Sonic Spring drop rates. A good solution in my opinion would be to have Sonic Spring's drop from several more reliable and accessible sources and not be time gated. Alternatively, I would prefer if the Sonic Spring requirement was taken out of the recipes all together, reserving their use for the Pogo stick mounts instead.

Thank you for considering my concerns on this topic!

Jul 15, 2010
An idea I had for the problem during the last event was that, sure, if you have to make the sonic springs as they are, change them from a possible drop to a guaranteed drop.

Make it so that, if you finish a box quest, *any* box quest (regardless of its or your level) you get a spring.

Does this mean that people can easily farm the Olde Town BOX for max springs?

Yes. And that's the point.

With as rarely as the BOXES event shows up, there should be a way to get as many springs as you want during that time that will hold you until the next event. If this means upping the spring amount on the pogo sticks, fine. But I shouldn't be terrified to use the few springs I have due to me not knowing when or if I will have the opportunity for more. That's just stress inducing and I play this game to relax.

It this isn't a possibility then 100% remove the springs from everything but the pogo sticks. There's a lot of things I dream of using those BOX items for but it's just too hard to get the springs for me.

All that said, I had to laugh at the last BOXES event being released for November 23rd. Great job there, KI. Love it.

Dec 27, 2014
Yep getting Sonic Springs is very hard and think the drop rate should significantly be increased and/or other ways to get them like gardening.