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What do Plants like?

Aug 21, 2009
King Parsleys like Helephant Ears, but, do Deadly Helephant Ears count?

Pink Huckleberries like Bell Peppers, but, do Red Bell Peppers count?

So on and so on

Thank You in advance

Jan 12, 2012
As long as the plant falls into the family of plants named on the 'likes' list, any variety of plant from within that family you decide to use in your garden will also be shown as a beneficial 'like'. King parsley will like helephant ears and deadly helephant ears equally. If Pink huckleberries like bell peppers, they will like any variety of them, Red, Green or Orange. If a plant likes Boom Shrooms, it will like a regular boom shroom as much as a fiery boom shroom. If your plants like fly traps, it doesn't matter if you plant frozen fly traps or deadly ones, either will count as a 'like'.

Side note: Planting two varieties of a plant from the same family will not give you two 'likes'. For example, if you plant a Red and a Green bell pepper next to your pink huckleberries, you will only have pink huckleberries growing that show only one 'like' for the pepper plant family.