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Karamelle Chunks are way too rare

Nov 26, 2014
The developers stated how the crafted gear for karamelle would be less grindy than dragoon but the amount of karamelle chunks you need to have to craft a single piece of gear is so much considering that these things drop ONE every 20 battles or so. I’ve been farming for Uber gear for my ice and have done more than 30 runs of quake charmer and Heidi each yet only have 6 chunks. It’s ridiculous

Dec 29, 2008
Yeah. A friend an I were questing through Karamelle and we finished the entire world without getting a single chunk. We than started farming Heidi and Charmer for Uber gear and after 9 hours of farming we each only got ONE Karamelle Chunk.

I'm not sure if it's intended to be such a rare drop but it's nearly impossibly to get them I feel. Perhaps lowering the drop rate of the reagent or making them auction-able so at least we can try and purchase them in the bazaar.

Dec 20, 2008
I've gotten more EMPs than Karamelle Chunks so far. I've gotten 3 EMPs and only 1 Karamelle Chunk. The drop rate really needs to be increased.

Mar 31, 2013
Six wizards and farming for 3 weeks straight now... guess how many Karamelle Chunks I've gotten? One. That's right... One between all six wizards.

Just doesn't seem right.

Jul 16, 2010
Agreed!!! I finished questing Karamelle a month ago now. I have continually played CHUNK battles sometime three/four times each per night. I have received NO chunks other than four I received while questing. Am I missing something? Does it have to be a life minion? Or a death minion? Do you need that certain battle badge to earn chunks? Is it only team play that earns these chunks? Am I wasting my time soloing these battles? I have 99% of ingredients to craft items but no gain in the chunk department. I'm at a loss!!! Some of your logarithm's are easy to understand and work with but this has me flummoxed. Doesn't seem right but still love the game. Oran Darkthorne