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Text Chat

May 13, 2020
Hello, I recently returned to this game about a month ago, and recently realized that I cannot type any numbers in chat. I have tried to do some research, and have discovered that I need to purchase something with a credit card in order to enable 18+ chat. I have purchased a membership through steam, but I do not believe i have access to the 18+ chat. Can anyone confirm or deny this for me? Thanks.

Lvl 26

Lloydach on May 31, 2020 wrote:
Hello, I recently returned to this game about a month ago, and recently realized that I cannot type any numbers in chat. I have tried to do some research, and have discovered that I need to purchase something with a credit card in order to enable 18+ chat. I have purchased a membership through steam, but I do not believe i have access to the 18+ chat. Can anyone confirm or deny this for me? Thanks.

Lvl 26
Greetings Lloydach, welcome back to the Spiral! As you are posting here, I can confirm that you at least have membership.

Please contact our support team and they will be happy to assist further: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game