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Balance Giver Citrine on My Pet

Sep 27, 2014
I have a Balance Giver Citrine, which I want to apply to my Mega Balance Pet, but it won't allow me to do it, the affix button is greyed out. Any other Damge Citrine seems to be possible, but for some reason the balance one (my school) won't be allowed to affix. Why is this? How do i fix this?

Timmenizer on Aug 19, 2021 wrote:
I have a Balance Giver Citrine, which I want to apply to my Mega Balance Pet, but it won't allow me to do it, the affix button is greyed out. Any other Damge Citrine seems to be possible, but for some reason the balance one (my school) won't be allowed to affix. Why is this? How do i fix this?
Hi Timmenizer! One thing to note is that if your pet has already learned the Balance Giver talent, you can't add a jewel with the exact same talent. If there is a different issue let us know!