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Brave piggle

Mar 28, 2018
I'm currently trying to get a pet with fairy friend and I have a few pets but i looked up fairy friend and I couldn't really find what kind of pets have them if someone wants to please inform me on it that would be great but if you also have a pet that your willing to part with please let me know, anyway my regards Gavin thunderstone.

Mar 28, 2018
forgot to mention but one of the good pets I have is a brave piggle and I was wondering if he was able to get fairy friend also

My Regards, Gavin ThunderStone

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
The talent "Fairy Friend" only comes on three pets as what we call a "First Generation" talent. (That means, every single purchased or dropped pet of this kind has the talent. If you got it brand new from a store, gift card, crowns pack or boss, then it will definitely have Fairy Friend.) Those pets are:

The Nutcracker
The Golden Goose
The Frostbound Grimhorn

That's it.

Any other pet in this game, including your Brave Piggle, can only get the Fairy talent by hatching with another pet that has already learned the talent. Then the baby might inherit the Fairy Friend talent and might learn it when you train it up. So, you need to find someone with a pet that has learned the Fairy talent and get them to hatch with you. You might have to hatch several times before one of your babies learns Fairy.

Fortunately, the new hatch-maker kiosk in the Pet Pavilion can help you with this. Look for a pet you like that has good talents and the Fairy talent, then hatch with it. You will need $40,000 - $50,000 gold to make a hatch. (It's expensive.)

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven

Jan 12, 2013
If you have a first generation pet you can find out all ten possible talents on the web. e.g.


If its not first generation, the talents can vary according to what the parents had. Easiest way to get e.g. fairy friend is to go to the new hatching kiosk and hatch with another pet that has it.

Jan 18, 2010
Okay, well the perfect place to check for this talent is the hatching kiosk!

However, your search may be a bit tedious at the moment as there is currently no real way to filter the kiosk by any means necessary as it relates to searching for specific pet talents.

As a result, you'll have to filter through quite a few pets.

But, allow me to recommend, I've a few up there with the talent (I think), but also, you can start your search by looking at:

Hybrid Pets - These pets usually have the best talents

Remember that the talent is an uncommon one.

Meaning, it will occupy an uncommon slot. If you don't see this slot within the traits of the offspring, don't even bother raising it (unless you're interested in something else) and hatch again

Good Luck.

Aug 03, 2014
Fairy Friend has been hatched into so many pools that you are likely to find a pet with it that also has other desirable talents for your school.

You're storm so check out the storm pets in the kiosk and select one you like that has fairy. You should be able to get something with some lovely damage talents too or talents you want to assist you.

If you have plenty of gold and snacks OR you have plenty of gold: take it to adult, if it does not manifest fairy hatch again using the new pet you just trained. Repeat.

If you have very low gold but plenty of snacks you might prefer to take it to ancient to see if you get it by then instead. This is only worth doing if you struggle with getting gold. If it fails to get fairy hatch again using this new pet. Repeat.

When you hatch again it is best to use the new pet not the original because stats and talents will have improved and it might already have fairy in pool so it gives you a better chance of getting it from the new baby you hatch