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Critical > Shadow

Nov 16, 2017
Ok Victoria. Upward and onward. What's the best way to transition my pet from critical to max help in Shadow. Just learned this yesterday - about critical decay. So will my long sought critical stats help me as I turn to Shadow, or should I be focusing my pet in some other direction?

Christina Soulshard lvl 87 Death

Aug 03, 2014
colocrys on Jan 8, 2019 wrote:
Ok Victoria. Upward and onward. What's the best way to transition my pet from critical to max help in Shadow. Just learned this yesterday - about critical decay. So will my long sought critical stats help me as I turn to Shadow, or should I be focusing my pet in some other direction?

Christina Soulshard lvl 87 Death
Decay is so frustrating and I hate it!

However, just as some might decide critical pets are of little value because of decay, others find they are more useful than ever! Your critical pet is not a waste and you've manifested all 4 criticals, which is awesome!

I would recommend also making a damage pet and a ward pet so you can switch them over depending on whether you're hitting or acting as support. The easiest way to make these is to make a copy of someone else's pet.

Maycast heals are of little value to death wizards since we get so many drain spells. The talent slot is better used on a damage or resist boost.

For both: using your pet that has the highest stats start making a copy of another pet. Focus on raising stats if necessary; then copy the pool; then 'safe hatch' for manifestation of the desired talent combo. Wards and damages are both affected by stats so increasing them will directly affect their value. Percentages are visually rounded up or down, but their exact value is applied in battle.

Look at what damage/resist star jewels you have so you can decide what you want to manifest.

Damage (including jewel slot) - I'd want either 5 damages + proof OR 4 damages + proof and defy.

Ward pet - the most common pools are either fortify, enfeeble or fairy as the 10th talent (the other 9 talents being proof, defy and all 7 wards). I'd go for a fortify pool and make a few different combos including proof (or jeweling proof).

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask anything and if you want to copy any of my pets you're very welcome to them

Nov 16, 2017
Good info. I'm confused more now. A second pet for damage? And I should trade them back and forth for the battle at hand like I do my deck. Right. Except how do I recognize which one I need? It's almost as much work to get INTO the duel as to fight it.

Thank you

Christina Soulshard lvl 87 Death

Aug 03, 2014
colocrys on Jan 10, 2019 wrote:
Good info. I'm confused more now. A second pet for damage? And I should trade them back and forth for the battle at hand like I do my deck. Right. Except how do I recognize which one I need? It's almost as much work to get INTO the duel as to fight it.

Thank you

Christina Soulshard lvl 87 Death
You're a death wizard so sometimes you might be working as support for another hitter, but sometimes you might be the main hitter (eg when solo).

For battles where you're hitter you would benefit from a damage pet.

When you're in a team and someone else if hitting you would benefit from a ward pet (resists).

Just set up the pet to be in the gear set, then it's just one click to change the deck, pet and gear all at once.