so I feel a little embarrassed about this but in a way I am still a newbie lol I stopped playing for a good year or two and just started back up and I am just having a hard time putting together my fire deck as well as finding a good gear to wear! I am trying to beat two bosses that kick my butt and my deck just don’t feel like it is set up right and I feel my outfit don’t do much! But I am a lvl 95 fire wizard and I am using the “White Fire Case” holds 64 cards, max 6 copies, max copies 9, sideboard 34, +25 max health, +1% incoming My outfit I am using is Elite Jura Guard Helm, tunic of the broken spear, senators sparking Sandals, hades flame maker, sky flower silver, berserkers rage pendant and the Chaco challenge loop. I know it’s all mixed up lol I am trying to hardest to get all one outfit and strong and good to fight! So any info would be very greatful!!