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Santa Claws Holiday Pet

Aug 23, 2017
So Sparck, I had an idea for a holiday themed pet, Santa Claws. My idea for the pet is a crab with a Santa hat and beard. I didn't have any specifics for the pet as far as skills and traits, but I'm thinking it should be an Ice pet, and maybe gives Reindeer Knight at Ancient.

Dec 09, 2008
DarkSideChampion on Dec 14, 2019 wrote:
So Sparck, I had an idea for a holiday themed pet, Santa Claws. My idea for the pet is a crab with a Santa hat and beard. I didn't have any specifics for the pet as far as skills and traits, but I'm thinking it should be an Ice pet, and maybe gives Reindeer Knight at Ancient.
New pet ideas, love it! I can always forward these to the team to consider. Maybe it can be added for next year's holidays.