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These Panda Pets are awesome!

Mar 19, 2011
I got some Precious Panda Cubs and Playful Panda Cubs from a pack.

1. You get Two adorable pandas, even though they count as one pet.

2. The artwork and detail is amazing. These are the prettiest pets I have ever seen. No polygon was spared on their faces.

3. The animation is fantastic. While just sitting there, they fidget, they jostle each other, they blink, they yawn, they smile, they give each other high-fives. When you are walking, they trot along adorably. They turn back flips when they do well at pet training games.

Their abilities and the cards they give aren't ideal for my purposes; it is going to take a LOT of hatching to get them into shape. But they do start off with a pedigree of 69, so plenty to work with there.

Meanwhile, I have the cutest pets in the spiral!