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Yuletide Spirit

Jan 17, 2009
How can I train it to "may cast fairy"?

She's ancient. 62(20) pedigree. So far has "may cast unicorn" w/103+ health & pip o plenty

(I haven't played in four years so, I barely remember anything on what to do lol)

Mar 12, 2018
Turtwigz on Jan 9, 2019 wrote:
How can I train it to "may cast fairy"?

She's ancient. 62(20) pedigree. So far has "may cast unicorn" w/103+ health & pip o plenty

(I haven't played in four years so, I barely remember anything on what to do lol)
May cast fairy is a talent that might manifest if you hatch with a pet that has it. The more times you re-hatch the new egg back with the original pet that has the may cast fairy, the better your chances are of manifesting that talent in the latest egg. Once your yuletide spirit is an adult, find a pet in the kiosk in Pet Pavilion that has the "may cast fairy" and whatever else looks good to you, then hatch with that.

Raise that new pet to adult and if it doesn't get the fairy go back to the kiosk and hatch with the original again. Eventually, this will work and you will get the talent you are after.

Good luck and happy hatching!


Ravenwood Academy Owner/founder

-Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up.

Aug 03, 2014
Turtwigz on Jan 9, 2019 wrote:
How can I train it to "may cast fairy"?

She's ancient. 62(20) pedigree. So far has "may cast unicorn" w/103+ health & pip o plenty

(I haven't played in four years so, I barely remember anything on what to do lol)
The talents your pet will get at each stage of being trained is determined at hatch and can not be changed or influenced in that baby. It doesn't matter what game you use or what snacks you feed him, the pet will always manifest the talents that were pre-set to manifest when you made him.

Hatching with a pet that has Fairy Friend manifested will increase your chances of manifesting it in the baby you make for 2 reasons:

1. Talents can only manifest if they are in the baby's talent pool (the list of 10 talents) and hatching with a pet that has Fairy Friend manifested will give you a better chance of it being in the baby's talent pool even if it is not in your pool to start off with...if it is in your original pool as well then you're even more likely to have it in the baby from the hatch

2. Manifested talents have an increased chance of manifesting in the baby

I agree with Nathan Darkhorn's post explaining how to get it. If you have good resources (snacks and energy etc) you might want to take the pet to ancient before trying again, but if gold is easier to access then hatching again at adult makes good sense too

DO NOT train beyond ancient if it has not manifested Fairy Friend. The amount of XP required doubles each pet level.
125 baby to teen
250 teen to adult
500 adult to ancient
1000 ancient to epic
2000 epic to mega

As you can see the total cost to see the first 3 talents is 875XP...and to see just 1 more talent will cost you 1000xp. That is more for 1 talent than for all 3 of the previous ones. If Fairy Friend has not manifested by adult or ancient it's best to rehatch...

Jan 18, 2010
Welcome Back!

Also note:

The "Kiosk" is the newly introduced mechanic that is found inside the Pet Pavilion. It is close by to the Hatchery.

At the Kiosk, you will find hundreds of pets ranging from various ages (adult, ancient, epic etc.) at your disposal across all seven schools.

Unfortunately, pets cannot be sorted out by talents, so you will have to dive through them all - I recommend you begin with looking for one which is the same school as you.

Hatching still costs between 45,000 - 50,000 gold.

You may or may not retain your original pet when hatching.

Pet snacks do not affect the outcome of a talent a pet will manifest.

May Cast Fairy is an uncommon talent slot. (Fairy Friend)