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Nerf Storm

Sep 15, 2013
With all the changes affecting pvp, I don't understand why storm hasn't been given a damage nerf. At max, storms have a tremendous HP buff, so the extra damage they used to have is too much. Though I think the HP buff was needed to make things a little more fair and balanced, the damage has always been OP and now with the added HP buff, storms have too many spells that cause too much damage. Insane Bolt is a two pip luck spell that either needs to be taken out of pvp or storm shield should counter it. There is no other school has that much damage for two pips/1 power pip. Will storm be getting a much needed nerf on damage?

Mar 09, 2018
Jeremy Firestaff on Sep 10, 2020 wrote:
With all the changes affecting pvp, I don't understand why storm hasn't been given a damage nerf. At max, storms have a tremendous HP buff, so the extra damage they used to have is too much. Though I think the HP buff was needed to make things a little more fair and balanced, the damage has always been OP and now with the added HP buff, storms have too many spells that cause too much damage. Insane Bolt is a two pip luck spell that either needs to be taken out of pvp or storm shield should counter it. There is no other school has that much damage for two pips/1 power pip. Will storm be getting a much needed nerf on damage?
As the damage class with no utility, there's not a lot about storm that needs a nerf in my honest opinion. I think Insane just needs to be taken out of the game, if they won't do that then just do a quick hotfix to make it do storm damage instead of moon damage when it lands on your opponent. That way you can shield against it more effectively. I still think having a 500 dpp spell is stupid, but we'll see what KI does about it.

Jun 28, 2013
JewelKI on Sep 14, 2020 wrote:
As the damage class with no utility, there's not a lot about storm that needs a nerf in my honest opinion. I think Insane just needs to be taken out of the game, if they won't do that then just do a quick hotfix to make it do storm damage instead of moon damage when it lands on your opponent. That way you can shield against it more effectively. I still think having a 500 dpp spell is stupid, but we'll see what KI does about it.
You could use a tower shield in order to reduce insane damage and tbh insane is not something you could spam its a rng base card

Sep 30, 2018
I agree that insane bolt is a bit over tune, but I don't agree with stripping off damage off the highest hitting class when fire out here able to do just about the same. Storm is only able to rack up hp with sacrificing something such as a little bit of resist and accuracy, mean while a school like ice can have mass hp tank resist and still able to keep its post mirage damage of 130+ . So despite the analogy the release on school pvp effective shows storm in the worst position vs other schools for a damage class mind you. Win/loss released by the devs on october 19th 2020 today shows the exact same pattern from 4th age via pvp post mirage as on the 1v1 ranked basis. Stats don't lie and right now storm needs a buff not a nerf.