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The Timers in Ranked are a problem

May 16, 2020
First and foremost i'd like to say that i am one of those people who is just not enjoying pvp anymore, the restrictions you guys are adding to the game are just unbearable, I admit some were really good, like fire beetle being removed

Recently you have added timers to ranked matches, I believe thats your way of dealing with us who play a defensive strategy, though it is effective but I would really urge you to reconsider, wizard101 PvP is just broken (if i may use that word) but adding a timer in is really not a fix, look at the recent gear that was added to the game, dragoon gear......That gear makes no sense whats so ever, how can someone have over 10k hp and still have over a hundred damage and a ton of resist, to add insult to injury, there's scion spells, fire has one of those spells that are really difficult to defend against, especially since you gave them "fuel", a lot of pets have the spell "fire beetle" defending against fire scion is extremely difficult..

My point here is, some of us are not playing max pvp, we use characters that was lvl100-lvl120, a lvl 120 fighting someone with dragoon gear has no hope so we change our strategy to play defensive so that we stand some chance, obviously they will attack us a lot and we'll need to heal but we just playing defensively as we try to defeat our opponent, typically once a level 120 reached sergeant they start facing max level character, this time limit isn't a solution especially knowing players will want to run the timer when they figure out that they cannot defeat someone who's playing defensively , It's really just unfair
so please reconsider putting timers in ranked, its not the way to go