I'd like to know the best spells for a wizard that will dedicated to party healing. My base is Life.
Many people recommend death as a second school, but I do not plan on soloing and death does not have many spells that would be beneficial to a party as a healer.
Balance is also highly recommended (Power Pip would be a great help to a healer), however I am not interested in offensive spells.
Ice is nice for Tower Shield.
Another thought would be to spread points throughout several schools and collect various shields so I am ready to help protect against any school.
I would appreciate any insight. Most MMOs that I played prior to Wizard 101 required a player conform to a certain "role" in a party. I still haven't gotten a wizard to 50 and am unsure if high level content is carried out that way. Thank you.
i am a level 46 master of death but i know the best healing pary spell is rebirth you have to be a level 48 to get it but it heals 760 life to everyone the puts the spell absorb on everyone too. it is very handy. or at level 38 you get the spell dryad wich heals life by 200 per pip you have it's a big life giver. good luck
keira frostweaver lev33+ healer/warrior (just like my d&d character).
I started to have storm as 2nd sch but due to high fizzle rate, i went to ice to grab the tower shield.will also pickup some balace offensive cards. Since most healers need to contribute to battle we need those cards in our decks and esp in yellows which i have handy. I have 45 card deck- i cram as much healing in as possible, use that pixie minion too. I was in a 3x3 last nite in the area. My team was 'behind' the others in statistics. They also had a healer, So naturally both teams were trying to knock us off- i LOVE my shields!! I eventually ran out of cards-not health, only shields left, so i helped our last player with those while he attacked and we one. I do great in street fighting on my on most times also. I think other than Death (since they have health related spells also) we can be one of the strongest schools out there- we are certainly the most loved in a sustained battle!! GO LIFE!!
Forget Death. The only useful 'party heal' spell is Sacrifice, and it's only available if you have Death as your primary. With 20/20 hindsight I'd choose Balance as my second. Definately spend points with Niles and pick up the triples. Tossing out traps and blades is a good and useful way to spend your time while waiting for someone to need your services. (with Balance as your second, these would be free) Individual shields can be gotten from the trainer at the Fairgrounds in WC. The only thing I've had trouble picking up is a shield against balance, don't think it's available yet. (but it would be if I'd picked Balance as my secondary school) I also recommend Reshuffle from the trainer in Colossus Blvd. (another Balance spell) As for needing attack spells, that's what I use my sideboard and treasure cards for.
Primary cards: Unicorn, Elemental Trap/Blade, and Minor Blessing, Guiding Light, Absorb Also, get gear that increases OUTGOING heal. My Unicorn does more then a base pixie.
Forget about the Sprite, Regeneration, and the minion. Heal over time is a good band-aid, but not majorly useful. And the minion is dumber then dirt. (oh great, the Storm wizard gets a 30% boost to her next heal spell!) [I play with my brother (Fire/Storm) and sister-in-law (Storm/Myth)]