Hi, I'm Christo Rainbowpants, and my friend, Nicole Spiritblade is putting on a fabulous orginal play Sylvia. The story of Sylvia Drake's life and death and her husband, Malistaire. But between our friends, there are not enough parts to be cast. The parts we are still in need of casting are...
Bartleby Malistaire Merle Ambrose The adventurer who kills Malistaire.
The people we cast must be active and take this seriously. We would appriciate if you showed up at ALL of the rehearsals. If you don't, trust me. You're easy to recast. If you're interested in auditioning, please meet us at the housing store in Wizard City in the realm Wu, area 1. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as they say in the theatre, break a leg!