I was wondering if there was a place or a program of some sort that could give a very detailed analysis of EVERYTHING that gets adjusted, added or removed from the game. In the past when updating other games I have noticed all patches include a Read Me of sorts with very very detailed information on every change. Where can I find this for W101? I don't mean just the big updates that are done every so often but even down to the nightly updates. This would be nice for a couple of reasons. The first would be because I had started a Wizard several months ago and after around 2 months lost my ability to pay for my subscription. I am now back and about 4 months have passed since I last played and for the first couple of days I was completely overwhelmed by all of the changes. It would have been nice to have been able to go back to a reference of sorts and figure out what happened and when. For example because you added crafting there are several things such as regs and quests that I have yet to find because I have not completely backtracked. Second thing is that I absolutely love PvP and even though I am still questing and not as involved in PvP as I would like to be yet it would be nice to have a VERY DETAILED data sheet to look at because as most of you very competitive Wizards out there know, having insight on a change that the other has not yet spent the time to look up could be the difference between a win and a loss! Thanks for reading and please comment with your suggestions and opinions below. I am really hoping that one of the professors respond to this thread!
All the information you need is in our Update Notes - go to Wizard101.com and click Wizard Society on the left, the very last link under that tab is Update Notes.
You can use the arrow at the bottom of the pages to navigate to past update notes.