Dear concerned player, Please stop trying to restrict language. Perhaps you feel it is a noble cause, and you want to "fight the good fight." I am afraid that you won't be satisfied untill everything I say in open chat will be filtered as yellow. I have great trouble talking to menu chat players. If you have your way, I may have just as much trouble talking to text chat players.
You may have noticed that there are no threads from the language abusers asking for words to become un filtered. They don't want the filtered words back, because they can always find more words. There are so many words... When you take those away, language abusers will use euphimisms, and when you take those away we will be left with only menu chat and open chat. I can't see any other outcome. The concerned players are absolutely determined to stop language abuse.
I do not side with the language abusers, however, I find that I must oppose the concerned players. It may be the language abusers' fault, but it is the concerned players who are taking away all of my words!
Dear concerned player, Please stop trying to restrict language. Perhaps you feel it is a noble cause, and you want to "fight the good fight." I am afraid that you won't be satisfied untill everything I say in open chat will be filtered as yellow. I have great trouble talking to menu chat players. If you have your way, I may have just as much trouble talking to text chat players.
You may have noticed that there are no threads from the language abusers asking for words to become un filtered. They don't want the filtered words back, because they can always find more words. There are so many words... When you take those away, language abusers will use euphimisms, and when you take those away we will be left with only menu chat and open chat. I can't see any other outcome. The concerned players are absolutely determined to stop language abuse.
I do not side with the language abusers, however, I find that I must oppose the concerned players. It may be the language abusers' fault, but it is the concerned players who are taking away all of my words!
Almost anyone who uses foul language gets a REPORT from me if they use it in front of me. Many times, I've been False Reported for Reporting someone because they violated the Terms of Use, going around filters and what not. At the same time, I have noticed a bunch of white words that come out Filtered to ... when said by open chat. In fact, one of these words is currently in use in Test Realm as part of the name of a plant, the Fickle Pickle.
The following WHITE words turn to ... when said by Open chat: Fickle Circumstance Circumstances Document Documents
Dear concerned player, Please stop trying to restrict language. Perhaps you feel it is a noble cause, and you want to "fight the good fight." I am afraid that you won't be satisfied untill everything I say in open chat will be filtered as yellow. I have great trouble talking to menu chat players. If you have your way, I may have just as much trouble talking to text chat players.
You may have noticed that there are no threads from the language abusers asking for words to become un filtered. They don't want the filtered words back, because they can always find more words. There are so many words... When you take those away, language abusers will use euphimisms, and when you take those away we will be left with only menu chat and open chat. I can't see any other outcome. The concerned players are absolutely determined to stop language abuse.
I do not side with the language abusers, however, I find that I must oppose the concerned players. It may be the language abusers' fault, but it is the concerned players who are taking away all of my words!
Almost anyone who uses foul language gets a REPORT from me if they use it in front of me. Many times, I've been False Reported for Reporting someone because they violated the Terms of Use, going around filters and what not. At the same time, I have noticed a bunch of white words that come out Filtered to ... when said by open chat. In fact, one of these words is currently in use in Test Realm as part of the name of a plant, the Fickle Pickle.
The following WHITE words turn to ... when said by Open chat: Fickle Circumstance Circumstances Document Documents
KingsIsle, please fix these words. Thank you.
ive got reported like 20 times for "cheating"in pvp and winning in pvp and people think i use foul language when i didnt. most times i get reported idk what i did or its a false
I have no objection to anyone using the report function. That happens in game. The administration can view the chat log of the reported person and decide on a course of acton. I am disturbed by the threads that insist the administration ban specific words. The concerned player sees a small sample of people misuse a word. - It is a small sample of the wizard population. They can switch realms ten times, in the commons, and see ten players in each realm misuse one specific word, one hundred players is still a small fraction of the wizard 101 population.- Then they log into the forums and insist that the word become banned. If they would wait a week or two, the language abusers may decide they are tired of abusing that word and switch to a new word all by themselves. The concerned player goes through great effort to draw attention to a word that would fall out of fashion with language abusers anyway, and I lose a word that I would use in regular context. I can't get back words once they are taken away. That is why I am writing this thread.
If the words weren't bad, they wouldn't be filtered in the first place.
If anyone else agrees with this, please don't reply to this thread.
I too am getting quite frustrated with the fact that I cannot say type out things, such as numbers, typos, player names, and things alike. It is really making things difficult. I understand that the red words are for foul words, but the yellow words should not be added in here because they are not foul. What is even more bothersome is the fact that I cannot tell who can read yellow words and who can't. For once, I'd like to be able to say something to a player like how much gold I have, or what level my friend is. Please take off the yellow filter, KI. It seems to create more problems than it is stopping.
I too am getting quite frustrated with the fact that I cannot say type out things, such as numbers, typos, player names, and things alike. It is really making things difficult. I understand that the red words are for foul words, but the yellow words should not be added in here because they are not foul. What is even more bothersome is the fact that I cannot tell who can read yellow words and who can't. For once, I'd like to be able to say something to a player like how much gold I have, or what level my friend is. Please take off the yellow filter, KI. It seems to create more problems than it is stopping.
Numbers can be used to exchange phone numbers. They can't be typed in text chat. They can be typed in open chat.
A player with text chat has a white bubble by his or her name in game. They cannot see yellow words.
A player with open chat has no bubble by his or her name. They can see yellow words.
A player with the red circle with a bar through it has menu chat and can only see things from menu chat list.
Dear concerned player, Please stop trying to restrict language. Perhaps you feel it is a noble cause, and you want to "fight the good fight." I am afraid that you won't be satisfied untill everything I say in open chat will be filtered as yellow. I have great trouble talking to menu chat players. If you have your way, I may have just as much trouble talking to text chat players.
You may have noticed that there are no threads from the language abusers asking for words to become un filtered. They don't want the filtered words back, because they can always find more words. There are so many words... When you take those away, language abusers will use euphimisms, and when you take those away we will be left with only menu chat and open chat. I can't see any other outcome. The concerned players are absolutely determined to stop language abuse.
I do not side with the language abusers, however, I find that I must oppose the concerned players. It may be the language abusers' fault, but it is the concerned players who are taking away all of my words!
As long as there are children playing this game, I will retain the right to report any use of vulgarity, whether you like it or not. I don't care one whit whether the word is in, or out of fashion, whether it is said in jest or anger. Learn civility and gentility, and reports about vulgar words will not occur. I report each and every instance I see, on every server, in all worlds. You, of course may oppose me, as is your right in a free society, but as long as KI has a 'no vulgarity' policy, you are, of course, wasting your time. Personally, I believe and trust that KI will keep their sensible no vulgarity policy and add whatever words they need to the filtered language selection based on new ways to say vulgar things, in or out of fashion. LOL. Thanks.
Numbers can be used to exchange phone numbers. They can't be typed in text chat. They can be typed in open chat.
A player with text chat has a white bubble by his or her name in game. They cannot see yellow words.
A player with open chat has no bubble by his or her name. They can see yellow words.
A player with the red circle with a bar through it has menu chat and can only see things from menu chat list.
Phone numbers over the internet are not likely to happen. Even if it does, big deal. "It is a big deal! I don't want my kid giving anyone information like that", then you should go over the list of things not to say or do while being on the Internet before you let them get on. If by any chance someone does do this, they should be reported and the account should be put on a suspension until further notice. Also, if you are that worried about your child attracting "predators", maybe you should keep your child away from the Internet in its' entirety because sooner or later, your child will not be on a supervised area of the web. Think that is impossible? Think again...
As far as who is seeing the yellow chat goes, I have a problem with it because I can see ALL yellow chat that someone else has posted in ANY chat form due to the fact that I own, and pay for, my account. So therefore, I have made it as adult as possible.
By all means report them! I have no problems with language abusers being reported in game.
I have problems with people writing threads about "please KI make "beach" a yellow word." "please KI make "noob" and "hex" red words." This thread is my response to those types of threads.
When I get to celesta I will have to say "oh you can find that over by the shore line," instead of," oh it's over by the beach." When I make a balance wizard I won't be able to mention one of my spells? I don't use noob, it is annoying when people call me a noob in pvp, but there are worse things to be called. Yes! Please report the language abuse when you see it in the game! Please use the report function in the game to stop those people.
I just want people to stop using the forum to get words banned. Because you are getting words banned, and you arn't hurting the language abusers. You are frustrating me and, I am not a language abuser. Now, someone has to reply and say something like, "Well, it is a shame you feel that way, but it is for your own good." Even if it is only a troll, someone has to say it.
Phone numbers over the internet are not likely to happen. Even if it does, big deal. "It is a big deal! I don't want my kid giving anyone information like that", then you should go over the list of things not to say or do while being on the Internet before you let them get on. If by any chance someone does do this, they should be reported and the account should be put on a suspension until further notice. Also, if you are that worried about your child attracting "predators", maybe you should keep your child away from the Internet in its' entirety because sooner or later, your child will not be on a supervised area of the web. Think that is impossible? Think again...
As far as who is seeing the yellow chat goes, I have a problem with it because I can see ALL yellow chat that someone else has posted in ANY chat form due to the fact that I own, and pay for, my account. So therefore, I have made it as adult as possible.
I am sorry. I don't understand your response to me. I was merely stating in my response to your post why numbers are not allowed in text chat. KI has chosen to be extremely cautious with their filters because of the age group of their targeted players.
I explained who could see what because you said you did not know who could see what. "What is even more bothersome is the fact that I cannot tell who can read yellow words and who can't. "
I said NOTHING else! I am indeed a parent. I have no problem what so ever with my kids being on the internet. I know my job and I do it. I SUPERVISE my kids.
ok to start i would like to say that you should be able to type numbers but not long enough to be a phone number SECOND i do not say that i agree with language abusers but if i understand correctly the age that they say you should be is 10 and if there are kids that are under that they should not be playing. another thing is that the child friendliness takes most kids away like you dont say you play this because kids will call you a baby (i am in middle school) lastly even if a little kid i am talking below 10 all they do is run around unicorn way because they cant figure anything out
Agreed totally. It is beyond a pain to type around numbers. What if I want to say I have Four out of Six Kroks defeated, or something like that, or even what Level I am?!
If enhancing Text Chat is an absolute no-no, could they at least make Open Chat easier to obtain? I don't like the idea of using PayPal and my Credit Card or whatever to prove what age I am...Couldn't there be some other way? An eMail verification, a Driver's ID perhaps?
I am sorry. I don't understand your response to me. I was merely stating in my response to your post why numbers are not allowed in text chat. KI has chosen to be extremely cautious with their filters because of the age group of their targeted players.
I explained who could see what because you said you did not know who could see what. "What is even more bothersome is the fact that I cannot tell who can read yellow words and who can't. "
I said NOTHING else! I am indeed a parent. I have no problem what so ever with my kids being on the internet. I know my job and I do it. I SUPERVISE my kids.
Megan-who is really confused by you
Lol. ug... Just forget the rest. As far as this goes...
Firefan02 wrote:
I explained who could see what because you said you did not know who could see what. "What is even more bothersome is the fact that I cannot tell who can read yellow words and who can't. "
..... I was saying that it is possible for a player to see any words that may be posted in yellow. One way, the way that I did it, is to go onto this website, and change the filter to where the player can then see anything posted in yellow. Then the next time they log into the game, anyone saying a number can be seen by that player no matter what type of chat (bubbles, private, group, general)
Personally, I report foul language when I see it. And I report bullies when I see it. I have reported people when I saw them asking for personal info. I have open chat. I can read. I can step in when the occasion requires it of me as an adult, and I can report things that are wrong. I try to be fair and see what's going on in a situation before I do report, and I would hope that other adults feel the same as I do.