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"Collect Quests"

Jan 21, 2017
So I have just made a storm character (my fourth character including my other account) and every single time I get a collect quest it take 10+ tries just to get one. This has never happened on my other accounts. This is only quest where you have to collect one item, not multiple (those seem fine.) Glitch, or have I just been getting lucky on all three of my other characters. NOTE: This is every single collect one quest that this happens in. I haven't done one where I needed less than 10 attempts.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
In my completely unscientific analysis, I've observed that the drops rates seem to vary by school. My Balance has the most incredibly good luck when it comes to drops - everything just seems to fall into her hands. The only thing she ever struggled to collect was the Potent Trap treasure card in Azteca.

My Fire, on the other hand, really works hard and it seems nothing ever comes her way without a tremendous struggle. Only exception was the Potent Trap.

Anyway, it might be that some schools like Death and Balance get drops more easily and others like Storm and Fire have a lower success rate. Why? I don't know. But I have noticed there's a difference....

Alia Misthaven, 116
Rowan Ashcloud, 115
Sierra Stormcaller, 90
Fallon Raven, 71

Jul 11, 2009
Hey Alexander, the collect quests are very tedious. The drops are RNG (Random Number Generator), which means the drops are random. It's not a glitch Hope that helps.

Good Luck and I hope to see you in the Spiral!

Main Andrew Storm 120
Malvin Hawkblood 115

Oct 21, 2013
Jul 23, 2016
Collect quests consist of a platform / implementation that your item will be dropped at random. At times, there will be chances where it takes only one shot to defeat your enemy & to collect your item that's required, at other times, it takes a ridiculous and tedious amount just to get your item that's required. It's not a bug, just sheer luck and hope! :')

Dec 18, 2010
Freshta on Feb 26, 2017 wrote:
In my completely unscientific analysis, I've observed that the drops rates seem to vary by school. My Balance has the most incredibly good luck when it comes to drops - everything just seems to fall into her hands. The only thing she ever struggled to collect was the Potent Trap treasure card in Azteca.

My Fire, on the other hand, really works hard and it seems nothing ever comes her way without a tremendous struggle. Only exception was the Potent Trap.

Anyway, it might be that some schools like Death and Balance get drops more easily and others like Storm and Fire have a lower success rate. Why? I don't know. But I have noticed there's a difference....

Alia Misthaven, 116
Rowan Ashcloud, 115
Sierra Stormcaller, 90
Fallon Raven, 71
I'm not quite sure that theory is that accurate. My Storm wiz easily got everything so far, usually only takes 1 or 2 tries. However, my Death and my Myth tend to have terrible luck during those kinds of quests. My Balance, Fire, and Ice seem to be somewhere in between. Not the point though. These kind of quests are just a matter of luck.