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Creepy People

Jun 24, 2016
I was in the Shopping District a few days ago, going to the Bazaar when I saw these wizards, all dressed the same, blocking this little place where the Athame, Amulet, and Ring shops are. They all had the names Robert something, (Their nametags were blocking each other out) and were on big cat mounts. The center wizard was on a lioness, the two on either side of him were riding something white, and the ending two were on tigers. People were telling them "Go away" and stuff, but they didn't move, didn't say anything, didn't do anything. And, later that day, (About 5 hours later.) They were still there! I think that's creepy.

Heather Titanwraith, Diviner, Lvl 17

Nov 10, 2015
Well this is obviously a person with several accounts trying to look cool and gain friends. Just ignore him.

Aug 03, 2016
jmknorr1 on May 31, 2017 wrote:
I was in the Shopping District a few days ago, going to the Bazaar when I saw these wizards, all dressed the same, blocking this little place where the Athame, Amulet, and Ring shops are. They all had the names Robert something, (Their nametags were blocking each other out) and were on big cat mounts. The center wizard was on a lioness, the two on either side of him were riding something white, and the ending two were on tigers. People were telling them "Go away" and stuff, but they didn't move, didn't say anything, didn't do anything. And, later that day, (About 5 hours later.) They were still there! I think that's creepy.

Heather Titanwraith, Diviner, Lvl 17
Some will say "you can't report creepy" but your report might give context or be the missing information.

They might have been private messaging or bullying along with it and your report could help confirm time place and so on.

That does sound odd but I guess technically they weren't breaking rules...odd though!

Just go through them -- they can't actually block stores I think?