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Gear Question

Jan 15, 2015
I am level 17 and storm school. I get all kinds of hats/robes/boots off mob drops. I'm trying to learn what items I should be wearing that's best for me and my class. I thought that I should only wear storm gear or gear that's not related to any school. I've been looking for items that give health and mana. Sometimes the gear has a resistance % but I'm usually looking to build up my health. I don't know that this is the way I'm supposed to be wearing gear. I see lots of players, when looking at their trait screens have points from different schools under resistance, damage and accuracy. Should I be looking at gear that has stuff from different schools too? I'm not really into PVP, just looking for stuff to wear when questing/dungeons. It's all very confusing and I want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. Thanks.

Jun 02, 2013

You have a good foundation of searching for your gear. As you level you will notice different gear pieces offer you more, or higher stats of the gear you're currently wearing. As a new-er Storm wizard, I would suggest concentrating on gear that boosts your accuracy for now, to decrease your fizzle rate.

You may find gear that has school specific boosts, and sometimes global, or universal benefits. There are 5 ways to acquire gear; quest rewards, drops from mobs, crafting, the bazaar, and Crown Shop. I suggest you don't attempt to purchase Crown gear at this low level due to the fact that you will outgrow it sooner than you think, and it will only sit in your bank taking up space.

Your question on gear is a common one, and there is much input on the subject from many sources.

If I had a low level Storm wizard, I would concentrate on my Health, and accuracy, and attempt to acquire other stat boosts like damage, and resistances as a secondary choice. Your school is arguably the hardest hitting, so the damage is there already, but if you fizzle, then you hit for nothing.

If you have people that you play with, ask them for intelligent input on the subject as well.

Lower level gear will not have the stat boosts you see on higher level wizards so don't worry if you feel your gear is lacking at first. Depending on your play frequency, you will level rather quickly and your gear will get better as well. Note: you are usually able to find gear in the bazaar every 5 levels up to level 50, then it starts to be available every 2 levels.

After level 50 the game changes drastically for some, after they complete Dragonspyre, as it introduces critical hit/block options in your gear. This will be explained to you in-game from Diego in Unicorn Way.

Best of luck to you,


Oct 04, 2010
Delaney Stormhunte... on Jan 21, 2015 wrote:
I am level 17 and storm school. I get all kinds of hats/robes/boots off mob drops. I'm trying to learn what items I should be wearing that's best for me and my class. I thought that I should only wear storm gear or gear that's not related to any school. I've been looking for items that give health and mana. Sometimes the gear has a resistance % but I'm usually looking to build up my health. I don't know that this is the way I'm supposed to be wearing gear. I see lots of players, when looking at their trait screens have points from different schools under resistance, damage and accuracy. Should I be looking at gear that has stuff from different schools too? I'm not really into PVP, just looking for stuff to wear when questing/dungeons. It's all very confusing and I want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. Thanks.
Here's a guide that is originally for PvP, but it should help clear up some confusion. Good luck!


Jan 15, 2015
Thanks so much mmoluvr for taking the time to read and answer my message. Your answer was very informative. I've definitely noticed that the fizzle rate is higher than I would like and was wondering how to fix that. I'll be on the lookout for items with accuracy. I haven't seen any yet. Just finished Wizard City and on my way to Krokotopia. Hopefully I'll find some new gear there. I usually quest alone and at times it's hard to find answers to my questions so I appreciate the responses I get here.

Delaney StormHunter

Jan 15, 2015
Oct 26, 2012
At level 17, I am assuming you are in the middle of krok, ( please tell me if I am wrong about this) . And you don't do PVP so I suggest some accuracy, because of storm being the lowest accuracy school. If you have crowns, I suggest the Heartseel its, a pretty good athame for wizards that are lower levels. For your robe look for health, since you said you wanted more health. Boots, anything really, damage is a suggestion but I don't think it matters really. For wand look for something with the highest wand hit, I suggest storm school but it doesn't matter.

Scarlet Rose level 65

Aug 06, 2012
I usually go for the mana, health, and, I am Storm so I also go for Accuracy.

Hope it helped!

Benjamin Storm, Level 48

Jul 29, 2010
Delaney Stormhunte... on Jan 21, 2015 wrote:
I am level 17 and storm school. I get all kinds of hats/robes/boots off mob drops. I'm trying to learn what items I should be wearing that's best for me and my class. I thought that I should only wear storm gear or gear that's not related to any school. I've been looking for items that give health and mana. Sometimes the gear has a resistance % but I'm usually looking to build up my health. I don't know that this is the way I'm supposed to be wearing gear. I see lots of players, when looking at their trait screens have points from different schools under resistance, damage and accuracy. Should I be looking at gear that has stuff from different schools too? I'm not really into PVP, just looking for stuff to wear when questing/dungeons. It's all very confusing and I want to make sure I'm going in the right direction. Thanks.
Well its not all about the looks of things, but it is to me since im a girl, but lets get to the point. its because your probably looking at the people who get crowns and buy packs to get what they want, its that level 17 doesnt have much to offer to you, drops dont go well for everyone

I hope it helped

Samantha RedHeart Level 48

Jul 20, 2014
You are on the right path to choosing gear, but here are a few tips from your fellow Storm wizard.

Usually, every 5 levels, I visit the Bazaar in Olde Town. It usually has great gear that are from real players. Real players fought a boss, got gear, didn't want it, and sold it to the Bazaar. Because of this you can get some really awesome gear from here. However, just because the gear has health doesn't mean that it' she best. Below are the stats that you want to focus on, listed in the order of importance and most helpful.

Storm Accuracy (Storm symbol + target) - Having Storm accuracy will make it so that you don't fizzle as much. That's very helpful because if you don't fizzle, you can kill faster and lose less health.

Storm Damage (Storm symbol + fist) - Having Storm damage will make your spells more powerful. So let's say you cast Storm Shark and it did 375 damage. If you had extra Storm damage it might to 400 instead of 375.

Health (red ball) - Since Storm wizards have low health, you do want some extra. However, don't focus on health too much. You need other stats too.

I would focus on those three stats. I would forget about resist (shield) for a while, and start getting gear with power pip % (yellow and white ball) at around level 25. Even through the entire game, the three stats that I told you about will always be important. I hope I helped!

Level 34