I was doing a dungeon, and of course everyone knows that if you leave for over half an hour, you will lose all progress in that dungeon. Naturally, I thought it was just a boss place, so when I went into the King's Tomb, and got to the final boss, I left to get health, and returned alone, but I had to start the dungeon all over again. What did I do wrong?
I was doing a dungeon, and of course everyone knows that if you leave for over half an hour, you will lose all progress in that dungeon. Naturally, I thought it was just a boss place, so when I went into the King's Tomb, and got to the final boss, I left to get health, and returned alone, but I had to start the dungeon all over again. What did I do wrong?
Most likely you got switched to another realm, I had that happen to me recently. You can either check your realm before you go in or mark your location before you go in.