It has come to my attention that there are offers of "special" items available ONLY to members of some sites that promote Wizards101 yet this, the MAIN site offers nothing for the information and ideas brought forth in the game for the betterment and further enjoyment of Wizards. Why can a site thats members "Fizzle" way too often offer items to its members and the main site sit back and watch? Should it not be the other way around? After all, is this not the MAIN information area to Wizards? This site is required to be listed with ALL members and therefore would be the FIRST place we should be getting information as well as "special" items or have I seen things WAY different than others? Just a thought and I would love to hear from the staff of Wizards why this is so.
James DreamRider GrandMaster Balance No Retreat No Surrender and No One gets left Behind
I believe the offer that you're talking about is offered to all W101 users and has been promoted on this site and the "sister" site. See the Headmaster's Announcements from this morning.
We posted in our Headmaster's Tower the following post: We've recruited members of the fan site Wizard101 Central ( to drive enthusiasts to Wizard101’s Facebook page! All Wizard101 Central members will be rewarded based on the number of new Facebook fans who join between August 26 and Sept. 16, 2009.
Exclusive prizes based on the number of new Wizard101 Facebook fans, are: • 25,000 fans = 2,500 gold • 50,000 fans = Krokotopia Hammock • 75,000 fans = Danger Hound that comes with one Infection spell card
Facebook rules and regulations apply. Fans who are under 13 years of age can still partake in the exclusive gift by becoming a Wizard101 Central member. While too young to create a Facebook profile, they can still contribute by asking friends and family to become Wizard101 Facebook fans. To become a Wizard101 Facebook fan, visit
It's not uncommon to partner with affiliate sites for special promotions and giveaways, and we will continue to do so with many of our popular fan sites in the future.
This helps bring awareness to our affiliates and the services that they provide to our fans. I'm very proud of the community we're growing with these sites, it's a strong bond of sharing and communication, and not meant to be a competitive or discriminative atmosphere.
Popular games need fansites, and we want to encourage players to participate in everything that Wizard101 and its fansites have to offer.
We didn't splash this all over our own website as this is their promotion, and we don't want to steal their thunder. If you have any concerns about this or other promotions, don't hesitate to contact us through the Contact Us link at the bottom of every website page, or you can contact me directly at