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Who's attacking what

May 29, 2008

One of the tutorials talked about being able to tell what spells/targets other people in the ring are using, but I haven't been able to figure out if that hasn't been implemented yet or if I'm just missing something. I did notice that when I'm selecting a target they have a different color for their highlight, but I'm basically color-blind so I don't know if that corresponds to other player characters that are participating. With the open text now I do see people calling out targets, so I'm guessing others are seeing the same things I'm seeing.

Jun 08, 2008
You need to have the 2d combat display open in order to see who is attacking what. The hotkey is control-i and the portraits will appear on the top and bottom of your screen. Targets can be identified by the color and symbol.

May 22, 2008
And the 2D combat display is a must have when it comes to the enemies that may not be target able by clicking their body.

May 28, 2008
I can tell what spell and who someone is attacking on the bottom right of my screen. It shows a spell symbol and the symbol for the spot they are attacking or helping. I do have my 2d turned on. I will have to check to see if they show up when 2d is turned off.

May 29, 2008
When I first started I was confused about this as well. He should state that you must have 2d display to see these things in the tutorial. Inn my case, I still didn't get it. This is because the display is pretty small and displays for players (very bottom) and enemies (very top) and is easy to overlook. When they mention Icons they are talking about the pictures before each player/enemy circle. For example, when 4 players and enemies start a battle and player 1 desides to cast fire trap on the 3rd monster you will see at the bottom right, the combat display with the picture of a sun (player 1) with a little icon on fire trap behind it and a small red jewel (3rd monster) overlapping the icon of the trap.

Player 1 is sun, 2 is an eye, 3 is a star and 4 is a crescent moon.
Enemy 1 is a dagger, 2 is a key, 3 is a red jewel and 4 is a spiral.

May 22, 2008
Can you tell us if you are having this problem with the 2d combat display up, or without?

Jun 08, 2008
If your 2d display is turned off there is no way to tell who is casting what spell on any target. This isn't really made clear in the dueling tutorial and probably should be.

May 23, 2008
May 29, 2008

Thanks for the info, I do not have 2d display turned on. I turned it on at one point and didn't notice a difference so I turned it off again... :)

I'll turn it on tonight and check it out.

May 29, 2008
One thing I forgot to mention is that the 2d combat display is only visible during idle time. Once all players and monsters have chosen a spell and a target, the round begins and player names as well as the combat display are temporarily not visible. I believe this is to enhance the visual effects. So while you're deciding on what spell to cast next, remember to look to the top and/or bottom of a your screen for something like this:

May 23, 2008
This is also great to see how many HP the monster has, especially for high HP monsters that may have their health ring completely invisible, but still have about 70 HP. Now, you would not cast your wand spell on those, would you?

May 22, 2008
Jun 23, 2008
SirReginaldBaxby wrote:
This is also great to see how many HP the monster has, especially for high HP monsters that may have their health ring completely invisible, but still have about 70 HP. Now, you would not cast your wand spell on those, would you?

I would! my wand does 65 damage and added with a storm trap I would kill it

Jul 10, 2008
Kind of related to this - has there been any consideration to putting, maybe, a 3s pause (assuming there's that much time from the 30s timer) after the last person puts in orders? Sometimes, it can end up being a waiting game, trying to figure out what everyone's going to do and they're doing the same thing. At least it would allow you the ability to change tactics depending on what that last person is doing.

Jul 30, 2008
One problem I've had is that with my cards up, sometimes the icons (ruby etc) are hard to see, especially for the ones on the left. I can see who's casting what at wich icon, but not always which position that icon is in if you get my drift. I assume the longer I play the more I'll know which position goes with each icon.

May 29, 2008
kdietzbert wrote:
One problem I've had is that with my cards up, sometimes the icons (ruby etc) are hard to see, especially for the ones on the left. I can see who's casting what at wich icon, but not always which position that icon is in if you get my drift. I assume the longer I play the more I'll know which position goes with each icon.

Try to think of some silly anecdote to help. For example:
The dagger is sharper than the key. The key is needed to obtain the jewel. The jewel shows the way into the spiral.
I don't know, I just made that up on the spot. But I'm sure you can come up with something to help. In time, I'm sure you will automatically know. :D

Jul 09, 2008
kdietzbert wrote:
One problem I've had is that with my cards up, sometimes the icons (ruby etc) are hard to see, especially for the ones on the left. I can see who's casting what at wich icon, but not always which position that icon is in if you get my drift. I assume the longer I play the more I'll know which position goes with each icon.

You're not the only one. I tend to avoid playing with others because of this. I have to really look to see what is going on, and stop and think about it for a few seconds first. The symbols are a bit confusing to me. My brain doesn't move as fast as others.

One thing about it is, perhaps if they were a bit larger, or even bolder in color, it might be easier to untangle :)

Jul 30, 2008
Froufru wrote:

You're not the only one. I tend to avoid playing with others because of this. I have to really look to see what is going on, and stop and think about it for a few seconds first. The symbols are a bit confusing to me. My brain doesn't move as fast as others.

One thing about it is, perhaps if they were a bit larger, or even bolder in color, it might be easier to untangle :)

I agree. The system is very similar to ToonTown Online's multiplayer combat system, but theirs is much easier to follow. One of the main reasons is that as you decide what you're going to do, the other players' decisions are shown at the same time in the same window. Perhaps diplaying these icons below your cards as you flip through them, instead of all the way at the bottom of the screen would help?

Also, ToonTown has a confirmation button -- this means that all the players can select their attacks, look at everyone else's, then confirm their own. Our system *sorta* works like that in that you can go back and change your mind, but the cards are no longer on the screen. Making one interface that displays your cards as well as what the other players have chosen would improve things greatly, imho. But this won't change the fact that the icon system being used is just plain hard to follow.

Jul 17, 2008
This may not be totally related to what you're saying but next time you're in combat, keep an eye on the ring around the players and creatures.

When a creature decides to pick on you, the ring around you will flash red. Also when you attack a creature, the ring around it will flash red. This also lets you see when one creature is buffing another, so you can relax and not worry too much about getting a third damage over time spell cast on you in one round....
those hurt!

Next time you're in battle, keep an eye on the ring around you that flashes to indicate you're being targeted.


Jul 09, 2008
BazookaJane wrote:

I agree. The system is very similar to ToonTown Online's multiplayer combat system, but theirs is much easier to follow. One of the main reasons is that as you decide what you're going to do, the other players' decisions are shown at the same time in the same window. Perhaps diplaying these icons below your cards as you flip through them, instead of all the way at the bottom of the screen would help?

Also, ToonTown has a confirmation button -- this means that all the players can select their attacks, look at everyone else's, then confirm their own. Our system *sorta* works like that in that you can go back and change your mind, but the cards are no longer on the screen. Making one interface that displays your cards as well as what the other players have chosen would improve things greatly, imho. But this won't change the fact that the icon system being used is just plain hard to follow.

I definitely agree with that as well. Some real-time player coordination would go a long way towards helping with battle strategy amongst players.

Jul 30, 2008
Thanks for the quick reply Noctis! I have noticed the rings and knowing when you're being targeted by an enemy is pretty clear. The problem I have is knowing what your fellow players are about to do when they join you in a fight. That information appears only briefly at the bottom of the screen (you really have to look for it), the colors don't stand out enough and blend with the background, and the overall design of the interface is very hard to interpret. And yes, you do have to interpret what it's trying to say because it's very vague. All in all, it makes multiplayer combat very difficult.