People tell me that not long ago you were able to buy mounts from the Pvp shop at diego's. Nowadays you cant get a (permanent) mount anywhere without crowns, except for Prospector Zeke who sells them, but they are one day only :( I wanna know if people can get mounts without having to buy crowns. But make it in a subscribed shop, so people without a subscription cant cheat on getting mounts which is one of the many new adventures of a further expansion on your account.
What i need help with is: The questions:
1.Why did they take out the mounts from the PvP shop. 2.Is there any place you can get permanent mounts without crowns.
And last but not least
If there isn't such a facility I'd like one made for subscribers only!
Young Wizard, Mounts have never been offered to buy with Arena Tickets.
To purchase a permanent mount, click on the SHOP icon on your screen when you are not in a duel. Look for the Mounts icon, or find the one you want on sale on the first page;
Mounts can be purchased with in-game gold. Once you have opened the SHOP and clicked on the MOUNT tab, look at the bottom right of the window. You'll see a Crown and a Gold tab ... the default will always be Crowns, just click on the Gold tab and you'll now see the in-game gold prices for the mounts.
yeah i think the cheapest mount is the brown horse for 50000 gold, it is tradable between your characters so if you want to spring for the 70000 gold tiger go for it.